Human Thermography Applied to Integrative Medicine
Thermography entered my clinical practice like a true discovery. Contemplating the possibility of diagnosing aspects related to Chinese and functional medicine, I came across a tool that had been in use for years, with significant impact in Brazil and the United States. Clinical thermography is barely known in Spain, and I could almost say that I was a pioneer in its application to the Integrative concept since 2012. What is the main difference between clinical thermography and Integrative clinical thermography? Medical thermography is characterized by measuring anatomical areas that may suggest an alteration outside of a thermographic map constructed over decades of studies. To achieve this, an atlas with specific temperatures for each organism has been generated. Thermography embraces a concept that I love: the NONLINEAR. The nonlinear concept is rooted in the background of systems biology. Systems biology is characterized by the conception of any biological system from an integrated perspective of genes, proteins, and biochemical reactions, leading to biological processes. A stimulus at point X will produce a response in distal axes Y or Z in a chain, in a phenomenon with certain parallels to Tensegrity. It is highly recommended to understand this book to read my book "Fascia and Neurobiomechanical Reprogramming" (Ed. eNatura, 2022). Integrative thermography incorporates concepts from cross-disciplinary fields such as those derived from Eastern cultures and osteopathy. We are witnessing a gradual evolution where Health and Movement Sciences are understanding and incorporating such knowledge into clinical practice: chronobiology, trigger points, muscle chains, postural captors; these are technical terms that were described using language specific to the time and culture of that period. The nonlinear concept helps to generate a study with greater specificity and individualization of the subject. In a system as innovative as thermography, integrative thermography represents a change in perspective. Instead of studying injuries analytically, it allows for inferring cross-sectional readings of the individual by connecting different injuries or symptoms into a single physiological profile. Hence, thermography is also considered a precision tool. Why this work? There is extensive literature on medical thermography, and none, I dare say, in the field of Integrative Medicine as of this edition. I hope this work serves as a small tribute to the wealth of knowledge we are building from different perspectives in the field of Integrative Health. What this book is and what it is not. This book is a guide to understanding the fundamentals of thermography and how to approach it from different cross-disciplinary perspectives. This book is not a thermographic atlas, nor a book aimed at diagnosing medical conditions based on thermographic findings.