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Changing Organizations from Within
Changing Organizations from Within
Organizational change is often insider-led and supported by internal consultants and change agents. Most of what is written about change comes from the perspective of external consultants or from academics researching the activities of those with insider change roles. Changing Organizations from Within is unusual in providing a range of authentic insider accounts. The editors define 'insiders' as employees who lead and support change efforts within their own organizations, and those psychoanalytically aware external consultants - external 'insiders' - who work closely with organizations and use the dynamics of transference and projection in their relationships with clients to illuminate organizational issues. Each chapter is written by an author with experience of different kinds of insider relationships with their client organizations. Some work 'inside' as employees. Some are external consultants whose work involves developing insightful insider perspectives. The book’s editors and several of the authors are graduates, or have been faculty members, of London's Tavistock Institute Advanced Organizational Consultation programme, with experience of running development programmes for consultants and of coaching insiders. Changing Organizations from Within examines the pulls on role and identity that can easily undermine competence and practice. Understanding the system psycho-dynamics present in organizations helps consultants and change agents to make use of an insider perspective without becoming enmeshed in the client organization's regressive and inertial dynamics. The authors provide practical advice to help insiders navigate organizational space, make sense of tricky situations, and work more mindfully to help organizations change.
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Cullman County, Alabama Cemeteries, Volume 2
Cullman County, Alabama Cemeteries, Volume 2
Cullman County was established in 1877 in large part from the west side of Blount and the east side of Winston counties. Today, the few old cemeteries which existed in those counties in the early days are found within the borders of Cullman. The cemetery listings in this four volume set were conducted by the author beginning in 2003 and ending in early 2006. An attempt was made to personally visit every cemetery in Cullman County and record information from each readable monument. Volume 2 of this series covers alphabetically cemeteries E through G, beginning with the East Battleground Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery and concluding with the Garden City Cemetery. It also includes the large Cullman City Cemetery. The volumes are filled with photos of many of the old cemetery sites and notes describing the company and unit of most of the old Civil War era veterans. This set of books is vital to any serious student of Cullman County genealogy and history.
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Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings 1909 - 1914
Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings 1909 - 1914
The history of Winston County is found in the pages of its early newspapers. This book is the third in a series of Winston County news clippings. The first book covered 1886 - 1900 and the second book covered 1901 - 1908. Newspapers reviewed include the Winston Herald and a few rare early newspapers published in Haleyville. Additionally, news items relevant to Winston County found in the Jasper Mountain Eagle were reproduced here. Turn of the 20th Century newspapers preserve a picture of how our ancestors were about their day to day lives and business over 100 years ago. For the genealogist, it helps add character to dry names and dates. For the historian, it opens up a seldom seen picture of the early development of Winston County from the first person viewpoint of its citizens. This book contains a full name index and is a valuable addition to the library of any serious student of the genealogy and history of Winston County, Alabama.
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Mechanisms of Injury in Renal Disease and Toxicity
Mechanisms of Injury in Renal Disease and Toxicity
Dr. Goldstein has authored more than 50 publications and co-edited two books. Her latest contribution to the field of nephrology, Mechanisms of Injury in Renal Disease and Toxicity, promotes an understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms mediating renal dysfunction in disease. It provides an important perspective in understanding mechanisms of chemically induced renal injury. Over the past decade, understanding of the pathophysiologic and molecular basis of renal disease has grown tremendously. New and evolving concepts on the pathophysiology of glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerular injury, diabetic nephropathy, and acute renal failure are changing the clinical management of these disease states.
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PASS CEN! - E-Book
PASS CEN! - E-Book
- NEW! Content follows the most current CEN blueprint, eliminating extraneous information that is not likely to be tested. - NEW! Updated learning activities and additional questions reinforces your retention of information. - NEW! Critical pharmacology information integrated into each chapter stresses it's importance to effective treatment outcomes. - NEW! Integrated anatomy and physiology content reduces repetition of content. - NEW! Learning activities moved to the back of book allows you to complete activities without the distraction of answers being right there.
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Higher Excited States of Polyatomic Molecules V3
Higher Excited States of Polyatomic Molecules V3
Higher Excited States of Polyatomic Molecules, Volume III focuses on higher electronic excitations in polyatomic molecules, with emphasis on excitations beyond 50,000 cm-1. This book explores the various transitions on the basis of their orbital characteristics. Organized into 22 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the relationships between spectra of different molecules and between the results of various types of spectroscopy. This book then discusses the higher excited states involving Rydberg excitation. Other chapters explore the higher excited states in all classes of biological, organic, and inorganic molecules. This text further discusses the progress in the area of higher excitations in polyatomic atoms and the technique of multiphoton ionization (MPI) spectroscopy that yields a remarkable amount of spectroscopic information applicable to the vacuum-ultraviolet region. The final chapter deals with the vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of biological materials. Analytical chemists, photochemists, molecular spectroscopists, and researchers will find this book extremely useful.
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The Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry
The Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry
The third edition of this highly successful postgraduate psychiatry text offers a comprehensive review of the characteristic causes and treatment of the main psychiatric disorders. As with earlier editions it is subdivided into four parts: models and principles; origins, presentation and course of major clinical symptoms; psychiatry in the social, forensic and medical contexts; treatments both biological and psychological. It is also extensively referenced throughout and emphasises the relationship of research findings to clinical practice. The text has been extensively revised and updated in line with the most recent developments in psychiatric practice and thinking. In particular, more discussion is given to measurement issues, concepts of illness, brain function and neurophysiology. The highly distinguished team of contributors has also been enhanced through the introduction of one or two of the newer stars in the field. This new edition will without doubt be valued by all members of the multidisciplinary mental health care team as well as general practitioners who seek an authoritative yet readable account of modern psychiatry.
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Cullman County, Alabama Cemeteries, Volume 4
Cullman County, Alabama Cemeteries, Volume 4
Cullman County was established in 1877 in large part from the west side of Blount and the east side of Winston counties. Today, the few old cemeteries which existed in those counties in the early days are found within the borders of Cullman. The cemetery listings in this four volume set were conducted by the author beginning in 2003 and ending in early 2006. An attempt was made to personally visit every cemetery in Cullman County and record information from each readable monument. Volume 4 of this series covers alphabetically cemeteries M through Z, beginning with the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery and concluding with the Zion Grove Cemetery. The volumes are filled with photos of many of the old cemetery sites and notes describing the company and unit of most of the old Civil War era veterans. This set of books is vital to any serious student of Cullman County genealogy and history.
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Social Psychology
Social Psychology
This topical textbook provides a thorough insight into the discipline of social psychology, presenting students with a rich and engaging account of the human social experience. Fully revised, the second edition includes a greater emphasis on cutting-edge topics within social psychology, including AI, virtual reality, social media, and political polarization. The textbook uses an accessible and readable style to show how the field’s dizzying and highly fragmented array of topics, models, theories, and paradigms can best be understood through a coherent conceptual narrative that builds on learning from previous chapters. The text also examines recent developments, such as how computer simulations and big data supplement the traditional methods of experiment and correlation. It contains a range of features, including key term glossaries and compact “summing up and looking ahead” overviews for ease of reading. Social Psychology: Exploring the Dynamics of Human Experience covers an enormous range of topics from self-concept to social change, making this comprehensive textbook essential reading for any student of social psychology.
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Blount County, Alabama Marriages, 1866 - 1919
Blount County, Alabama Marriages, 1866 - 1919
This book contains all the marriages which took place in Blount County, Alabama between the years 1866 and 1919. Images of the original documents from the Blount County Court House were examined page by page and transcribed. Not only was the primary information recorded, but other significant details were gathered such as names of bondsmen, names of officials performing the ceremony, names and relationships of those granting permission, and the location of the ceremony. Plus, volumes and page numbers were recorded to provide for better documentation. Additionally, details of all licenses returned unexecuted were recorded. This book also contains those marriages recorded at the satellite Blount County court house at Bangor covering the years 1893 to 1901. This book is a handy tool for those with ancestors in Blount County, or those with ancestors in sections of Blount which became Cullman County.
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