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Environmental Standards
Environmental Standards
The rapid growth of the world population - nearly six-fold over the last hundred years - combined with the rising number of technical installations especially in the industrialized countries has lead to ever tighter and more strained living spaces on our planet. Because ofthe inevitable processes oflife, man was at first an exploiter rather than a careful preserver of the environment. Environmental awareness with the intention to conserve the environment has grown only in the last few decades. Environmental standards have been defined and limit values have been set largely guided, however, by scientific and medical data on single exposures, while public opinion, on the other hand, now increasingly calls for astronger consideration of the more complex situations following combined exposures. Furthermore, it turned out that environmental standards, while necessarily based on scientific data, must also take into account ethical, legal, economic, and sociological aspects. A task of such complexity can only be dealt with appropriately in the framework of an inter disciplinary group.
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Legendary Locals of Santa Clara
Legendary Locals of Santa Clara
The city of Santa Clara lies in the very heart of the Santa Clara Valley, directly south of San Francisco Bay. It is the home base of the internationally famous Santa Clara Swim Club, the equally famous synchronized swim team the Santa Clara Aquamaids, the International Swim Center, and the San Francisco 49ers professional football team. It boasts world-class parks, theaters, museums, acting groups, a featured chorale, a nationally ranked drum and bugle corps, a major theme park, a convention center, and a first-class hotel system for those who wish to visit. Legendary Locals of Santa Clara celebrates the people who guided all of this to its realization.
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The Disciplines of Interpretation
The Disciplines of Interpretation
The Disciplines of Interpretation: Lessing, Herder, Schlegel and Hermeneutics in Germany, 1750-1800 (European Cultures : Studies in Literature and a).
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The giant hand. 1921
The giant hand. 1921
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How America Went to War
How America Went to War
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Agriculture Handbook
Agriculture Handbook
Set includes revised editions of some issues.
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