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Myth: A Very Short Introduction
Myth: A Very Short Introduction
Where do myths come from? What is their function and what do they mean? In this Very Short Introduction Robert Segal introduces the array of approaches used to understand the study of myth. These approaches hail from disciplines as varied as anthropology, sociology, psychology, literary criticism, philosophy, science, and religious studies. Including ideas from theorists as varied as Sigmund Freud, Claude L?vi-Strauss, Albert Camus, and Roland Barthes, Segal uses the famous ancient myth of Adonis to analyse their individual approaches and theories. In this new edition, he not only considers the future study of myth, but also considers the interactions of myth theory with cognitive science, the implications of the myth of Gaia, and the differences between story-telling and myth. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
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Myth Analyzed
Myth Analyzed
Comparing and evaluating modern theories of myth, this book offers an overview of explanations of myth from the social sciences and the humanities. This ambitious collection of essays uses the viewpoints of a variety of disciplines - psychology, anthropology, sociology, politics, philosophy, religious studies, and literature. Each discipline advocates a generalization about the origin, the function, and the subject matter of myth. The subject is always not what makes any myth distinct but what makes all myths "myth". The book is divided into five sections, covering topics such as myth and psychoanalysis, hero myths, myth and science, myth and politics, and myth and the physical world. Chapters engage with an array of theorists--among them, Freud, Jung, Campbell, Rank, Winnicott, Tylor, Frazer, Malinowski, Levy-Bruhl, Levi-Strauss, Harrison, and Burkert. The book considers whether myth still plays a role in our lives is one of the issues considered, showing that myths arise anything but spontaneously. They are the result of a specific need, which varies from theory to theory. This is a fascinating survey by a leading voice in the study of myth. As such, it will be of much interest to scholars of myth and how it interacts with Sociology, Anthropology, Politics and Economics.
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Le Mythe
Le mythe est le miroir de nos sociétés ! C'est ce que prouve Robert Segal qui se livre, à travers cet ouvrage, à un passionnant état des lieux sur l'origine, la fonction et la place des mythes dans notre quotidien. Avec Le Mythe, ces récits familiers sont enfin déconstruits pour mieux éclairer leurs paradoxes et leur apport à nos représentations sociales : religion, science, philosophie, littérature, psychologie ou anthropologie. Cet ouvrage offre une ambitieuse revue de trois cents ans de réflexion sur ce thème, et nous introduit aux travaux des plus grands auteurs du XXe siècle comme Albert Camus, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Bruno Bettelheim ou Sigmund Freud. L'auteur complète ce panorama par un portrait mordant de la figure de la star hollywoodienne, incarnation du mythe à notre époque. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux passionnés de littérature et de mythologie, mais également aux anthropologues, étudiants ou confirmés. Il a connu un grand succès populaire et universitaire en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis.
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Judicial Process in America, 9th Edition
Judicial Process in America, 9th Edition
Known for shedding light on the link between the courts, public policy, and the political environment, the new ninth edition of Judicial Process in America provides a comprehensive overview of the American judiciary. Considering the courts from every level, the authors thoroughly cover judges, lawyers, litigants, and the variables at play in judicial decision making. This remarkably current revision will only solidify the bookÆs position as the standard-bearer in the field.
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The Nazarene Gospel Restored
The Nazarene Gospel Restored
The Nazarene Gospel Restored is Robert Graves's major work on the life of Jesus, written in collaboration with the distinguished Hebrew scholar Joshua Podro. The research and writing occupied them for over ten years, in a working relationship compounded, in John W. Presley's phrase, 'of argument, scholarship and mutual respect', in which the imaginative writer and the Hebraist drew on their vast knowledge of the ancient world to reveal an extraordinary new, 'true' story of Jesus. The result is, as Graves wrote to T.S. Eliot, 'a very long, very readable, very strange book', and one that Presley argues is as central to Graves's thought as The White Goddess. The Nazarene Gospel Restored was controversial when first published: the Church Times refused to advertise it, reviews were hostile, and Graves twice sued for libel. In the twenty-first century it is possible to read it in the context of a continuing engagement with the historical Jesus, both scholarly and popular. In this new edition, John W. Presley gives a detailed account of the composition and reception of the book, setting it in the context of Graves's writing and of biblical scholarship. The inclusion of Graves's Foreword and annotations for a project revised edition make this an indispensable resource.
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Tetragrammaton: Western Christians and the Hebrew Name of God
Tetragrammaton: Western Christians and the Hebrew Name of God
The Christian Reception of the Hebrew name of God has not previously been described in such detail and over such an extended period. This work places that varied reception within the context of early Jewish and Christian texts; Patristic Studies; Jewish-Christian relationships; Mediaeval thought; the Renaissance and Reformation; the History of Printing; and the development of Christian Hebraism. The contribution of notions of the Tetragrammaton to orthodox doctrines and debates is exposed, as is the contribution its study made to non-orthodox imaginative constructs and theologies. Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Hermetic and magical texts are given equally detailed consideration. There emerge from this sustained and detailed examination several recurring themes concerning the difficulty of naming God, his being and his providence.
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A Casebook of Psychotherapy Practice with Challenging Patients
A Casebook of Psychotherapy Practice with Challenging Patients
Most contemporary psychoanalysts and psychotherapists see each patient once or twice a week at most. As many patients have reached a marked state of distress before seeking treatment, this gives the analyst a difficult task to accomplish in what is a limited amount of time. A Casebook of Psychotherapy Practice with Challenging Patients: A modern Kleinian approach sets out a model for working with quite significantly disturbed, distressed, or resistant patients in a very limited time, which Robert Waska has termed "Modern Kleinian Therapy." Each chapter provides a vivid look into the moment-to-moment workings of a contemporary Kleinian focus on understanding projective identification, enactment, and acting out as well as the careful and thoughtful interpretive work necessary in these complex clinical situations. Individual psychotherapeutic work is represented throughout the book alongside instructive reports of psychoanalytic work with disturbed couples, and the more challenging patient is illustrated with several comprehensive reviews of films that follow such hard-to-reach individuals. A Casebook of Psychotherapy Practice with Challenging Patients: A modern Kleinian approach is filled with a combination of contemporary theory building, a wealth of clinical vignettes, and practical advice. It is a hands-on guide for psychoanalysts and therapists who need to get to grips with complex psychoanalytic concepts in a short time and shows the therapeutic power the Modern Kleinian Therapy approach can have and how it can enable them to work most effectively with difficult patients. Robert Waska LPCC, MFT, PhD is an analytic member at the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis and conducts a full-time private psychoanalytic practice for individuals and couples in San Francisco and Marin County, California. He is the author of thirteen published textbooks on Kleinian psychoanalytic theory and technique, is a contributing author for three psychology texts, and has published over a hundred articles in professional journals.
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Getting Primaried
Getting Primaried
Each of the past few election cycles has featured at least one instance of "primarying," a challenge to an incumbent on the grounds that he or she is not sufficiently partisan. For many observers, such races signify an increasingly polarized electorate and an increasing threat to moderates of both parties. In Getting Primaried, Robert G. Boatright shows that primary challenges are not becoming more frequent; they wax and wane in accordance with partisan turnover in Congress. The recent rise of primarying corresponds to the rise of national fundraising bases and new types of partisan organizations supporting candidates around the country. National fundraising efforts and interest group–supported primary challenges have garnered media attention disproportionate to their success in winning elections. Such challenges can work only if groups focus on a small number of incumbents. Getting Primaried makes several key contributions to congressional scholarship. It presents a history of congressional primary challenges over the past forty years, measuring the frequency of competitive challenges and distinguishing among types of challenges. It provides a correction to accounts of the link between primary competition and political polarization. Further, this study offers a new theoretical understanding of the role of interest groups in congressional elections.
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Valvular Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
The burden of valvular heart disease / George A. Mensah -- Clinical pathology of valvular heart disease / William Clifford Roberts and Jong Mi Ko -- Cellular, molecular, and genetic mechanisms of valvular heart disease / Nalini Marie Rajamannan -- Left ventricular adaptation to pressure and/or volume overload / Blase A. Carabello -- Evaluation of valvular heart disease by echocardiography / Catherine M. Otto -- Evaluation of valvular heart disease by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography / David M. Shavelle -- Evaluation of valvular heart disease by cardiac magnetic resonance and computed tomography / Mario J. Garcia -- Basic principles of medical therapy in the patient with valvular heart disease / Catherine M. Otto -- Aortic stenosis / Raphael Rosenhek and Helmut Baumgartner -- Aortic regurgitation / Pilar Tornos and Robert O. Bonow -- The bicuspid aortic valve / Alan C. Braverman and Michael A. Beardslee -- Surgical approach to aortic valve disease / Paul Stelzer and David H. Adams -- Percutaneous aortic valve implantation / Brad Munt -- Rheumatic mitral valve disease / Bernard Iung and Alec Vahanian -- Myxomatous mitral valve disease / Brian Griffin -- Ischemic mitral regurgitation / Ronen Beeri [and others] -- Mitral regurgitation : timing of surgery / Rick A. Nishimura and Hartzell V. Schaff -- Mitral valve repair and replacement, including associated atrial fibrillation and tricuspid regurgitation / Patrick M. McCarthy and S. Chris Malaisrie -- Percutaneous transcatheter intervention for mitral regurgitation / Peter C. Block -- Intraoperative echocardiography for mitral valve disease / Pravin M. Shah -- Right-sided valve disease / Charles J. Bruce and Heidi M. Connolly -- Infective endocarditis / Thomas M. Bashore -- Prosthetic heart valves / Patrick T. O'Gara, Robert O. Bonow, and Catherine M. Otto -- Valve disease in children / L. LuAnn Minich [and others] -- Valvular heart disease in pregnancy / Karen Stout.
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Ethics and Accountability on the US Supreme Court
Ethics and Accountability on the US Supreme Court
Examines the causes and consequences of recusal behavior on the US Supreme Court. Do US Supreme Court justices withdraw from cases when they are supposed to? What happens when the Court is down a member? In Ethics and Accountability on the US Supreme Court, Robert J. Hume provides the first comprehensive examination of the causes and consequences of recusal behavior on the Supreme Court. Using original data, and with rich attention to historical detail including media commentary about recusals, he systematically analyzes the factors that influence Supreme Court recusal, a process which has so far been shrouded in secrecy. It is revealed that justices do not strictly follow the recusal guidelines set by Congress, but at the same time they do not ignore these rules. Overall, justices are selective in their compliance with the recusal statute, balancing ethical considerations against other institutional and policy goals, such as the duty to sit. However, the book also concludes that the impact of recusals on policymaking is more limited than commentators have claimed, raising questions about whether ethics reform is really needed at this time.
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