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Inland Fishes of Washington
Inland Fishes of Washington
This updated and greatly expanded edition of Inland Fishes of Washington describes all the known native and introduced fishes found in freshwater habitats of Washington State. The authors have created a valuable reference for anglers, biologists, teachers, students, and environmentalists in the Northwest. This wide-ranging study summarizes current knowledge on the appearance, distribution, growth, reproduction, food habits, and longevity of these fishes. The descriptions range from the ubiquitous salmon and steelhead to the Olympic mudminnow, a fish found only in the state of Washington. All are here placed within the context of the many mutually supporting species that together make up the ecological network that sustains them. An overview of Washington's topography and natural provinces clarifies the influence of geographical, historical, economic, and political forces on the existence of freshwater fishes today. The book provides instruction on the basic methods of fish identification, with keys and illustrations that bring together the traits and forms most useful in distinguishing species and subspecies. The authors are well known to fisheries professionals in the Pacific Northwest for their studies of fish, publications in professional fisheries journals, their university teaching, and first-hand experience in the field of fisheries management and research.
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The Razorback Sucker, Xyrauchen Texanus, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1974-76
The Razorback Sucker, Xyrauchen Texanus, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1974-76
The razorback sucker, which has declined in abundance in the upper Colorado River primarily because of man's impact on the environment, has been recommended for listing as "threatened" in the U.S. Department of Interior's list of threatened or endangered species. During the present investigation, razorback suckers were nevertheless found in relatively large concentrations at two restricted locations -- the mouth of the Yampa River and a flooded gravel pit connected to the Colorado River near Grand Junction, Colorado.
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Biology of the Redtail Surfperch (Amphistichus Rhodoterus) from the Central Oregon Coast
Biology of the Redtail Surfperch (Amphistichus Rhodoterus) from the Central Oregon Coast
Data on certain aspects of the life history of the redtail surfperch were collected along the central coast of Oregon, from April 1967 through April 1969. Annulus formation occured during February through June, usually earlier in young than in older fish. Mating occurred from late December to early January, and the young were born from July through September. The number of embryos per female ranged from 1 to 39 (mean 13.3) and increased linearly with the length and weight of the females. Food of the fish from the surf zone included crustaceans (by far the most important group in both frequency of occurrence and total volume) and (in order of decreasing importance) fishes, mollusks, and polychaetes. Parasites of the redtail surfperch were immature nematodes (Anisakinae) ; the digenetic trematode Genitocotyle acirra; the monogenetic trematode, Diclidophora sp.; and the copepods, Caligus sp., Clavella sp., and Argulus catostomi.
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Marking and Tagging of Aquatic Animals
Marking and Tagging of Aquatic Animals
This bibliography is a compilation of selected references on the marking and tagging of aquatic animals, with special reference to information on different kinds of marks or tags that are available, techniques of applications, retention or recovery of marks or tags, and the effects of marks or tags on the organism. The references are arranged alphabetically byy author, consecutively numbered, and indexed by key words that enable easy access to references on particular subjects. The references are about equally divided between methods of marking fish and methods of marking other aquatic animals.
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The Razorback Sucker, Xyrauchen Texanus, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1974-76
The Razorback Sucker, Xyrauchen Texanus, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1974-76
The razorback sucker, which has declined in abundance in the upper Colorado River primarily because of man's impact on the environment, has been recommended for listing as "threatened" in the U.S. Department of Interior's list of threatened or endangered species. During the present investigation, razorback suckers were nevertheless found in relatively large concentrations at two restricted locations -- the mouth of the Yampa River and a flooded gravel pit connected to the Colorado River near Grand Junction, Colorado.
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