Down the Backstreets of My Mind
DESTINY'S INTERNS. Mark Dillon, electrical engineering major, and Stephanie Leon, computer science major, were selected for summer internships before starting their senior years at Northwestern University. In addition to being extremely mature and academically successful athletes, they have been romantically involved for five years. PENETRATING THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. Stephanie's internship is in the Computer Science Laboratory at Northwestern. Mark's is at the CERN Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. And here, through a freak accident, Mark's life, and later Stephanie's, were irrevocably changed. The life-altering transformations to their mental and physical beings bonded them in a life of tangled escapades brimful of intended and unintended consequences. Adding to the drama, our mature-way-beyond-their-years, sophisticated and intrepid duo acquired an unwanted knack: no matter where they were in the world, trouble seemed to find them. INCESSANT COLLISIONS WITH EVIL. While living Mark's and Stephanie's adventures, you will experience: a plane hijacking; a relationship-shattering clandestine affair; recovery of a missing Marlowe-Shakespeare lost play from a notorious 21st-century swindler and terrorist money-man; the dispatching of a serial killer; two attempted abductions of young women; the near bombing of a commercial airliner; an assassination attempt on a U.S. president; bizarre incidents on New York City streets; the relentless stresses on federal agents; a lethal attack on a train; the imminent firebombing of a packed Boston auditorium; the daring intent to bomb a major league ballpark; an ingenious plot to blow up the U.S. embassy in Rome; the serpentine paths of major Hollywood deals; a clock-ticking bomb threat to an iconic Los Angeles landmark; pioneering space travel; and much more. IF you agree that entertainment is the prime objective of fiction. "Down the Backstreets of My Mind" is a book you'll want to take under the covers with a flashlight just to finish it. NOTE: In my novel "Discovering Will's Lost Years and the Marlowe-Shakespeare Lost Play," the lost play is found and lost again. Ten years later in "Down the Backstreets of My mind" the play is recovered and kept for posterity.