Introduction to Life Development 2
So, the first step to discovering your divine destiny is knowing where God is planting you. This means that you will grow strong in the Lord, employ your gifts and talents to the glory of God and prosper in everything you set your hands to do. Ps. 92:12-13 says, "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar in Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God." We must understand that Jesus, by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, is building His church. The local church is the people and place where we all have the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to make us everything Christ intended us to be as the community of saints. We must believe, we must belong and we must become in order for our lives to come in alignment with divine purpose and destiny. In Psalms 1:1-3 it tells that if we desire to hear the law of Lord, meditate on His Word day and night, that we will be like a tree planted by streams of water and we will yield fruit in season, and whatever we do will be prosperous. So why use the analogy of a tree? In comparison of us as trees in life we may go through many types of difficulties that will show in our mind, from our history; but if we continue to feed on the sun (God's Son), the rain (Holy Spirit) and our good soil (good people and places) we will continue to grow and become what we are supposed to become. Health is the foundation for life. Being healthy spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, intellectually, and environmentally is God's plan for every person in life. In these six areas we must understand what God wants us to have in all of these areas for healthy living. This book will give you a opportunity to understand God's plan for you, and you will gain Healthy Living and Healthy Relationships.