Miles Murphy
There's something special about having a dog. And for the first twenty-seven years of his life, Philip Casale never knew what it felt like to have man's best friend by his side. Neither did his family. Or his future wife. And that's when life changed. For Philip, living life unofficially began when he returned home from the Midwest after attending veterinary school in Oklahoma for the previous four years. Having been in school for nearly a quarter of a century, the stress of academia was replaced by the pressures of a demanding profession and the balance of family life, so it seemed to be as good of a time as ever to look for his first dog. As a small-animal veterinarian, he has seen thousands of dogs with different personalities, appearances, stories and histories, but objectively speaking, he cannot recall one like Miles Murphy. With boundless energy and an anxious demeanor, Miles is unlike his fellow companions. He's spontaneous, often at the most inopportune times. He's loud when his family would prefer for him to keep quiet. Most notably, he's cunning, smart, and on second thought, a little too clever for some. But despite his mischievous behavior, the unique story of this rescue dog is one that Philip enjoys to remember and personifies the stresses, head-scratching moments, smiles, and the unforgettable value of the human-animal bond. Join this vibrant couple as they share their journey together, live out loud, and navigate the ups and downs of life with Miles Murphy.