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Something Terrible Has Happened
Something Terrible Has Happened
"It began as an ordinary quarrel between a young wife and her naval officer husband over whether or not to go to a dance. But with the quick virulence of plague, it spread through the Eden of pre-Pearl Harbor Hawaii, bringing violence and death, inflaming latent racial bitterness, corrupting justice and nearly toppling the Territorial government. The elements of the story were a sensation when they occurred in 1931: the lush, tropical background of Honolulu and its hard-drinking, easy-living naval colony; the lovely Washington girl, Thalia Fortescue Massie, whose accusation brought five Oriental boys to trial for rape; the killing of a defendant; the indictment of Thalia's mother and husband for murder; their defense by the famous criminal lawyer, Clarence Darrow; and the dramatic trial which aroused all Hawaii, turned the Navy against the civilian administration, and set Floyd Gibbons and the Hearst press to a campaign 'to make the streets of Honolulu safe for white women.' Now, when the tangled web that Thalia Massie wove can be seen more clearly, an even more dramatic, and surely more important, pattern emerges. For Hawaii, of course, the Massie Affair brought about a new political, economic and social era. For the U.S. as a whole, proud as we are of our enlightened attitude toward "underdeveloped peoples, ' it brings a rough reminder of our once vigorous white-man's-burden colonialism. In this vivid reconstruction the author provides a new solution and an astonishing denou[nc]ement"--Jacket.
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Something Terrible Has Happened
Something Terrible Has Happened
"It began as an ordinary quarrel between a young wife and her naval officer husband over whether or not to go to a dance. But with the quick virulence of plague, it spread through the Eden of pre-Pearl Harbor Hawaii, bringing violence and death, inflaming latent racial bitterness, corrupting justice and nearly toppling the Territorial government. The elements of the story were a sensation when they occurred in 1931: the lush, tropical background of Honolulu and its hard-drinking, easy-living naval colony; the lovely Washington girl, Thalia Fortescue Massie, whose accusation brought five Oriental boys to trial for rape; the killing of a defendant; the indictment of Thalia's mother and husband for murder; their defense by the famous criminal lawyer, Clarence Darrow; and the dramatic trial which aroused all Hawaii, turned the Navy against the civilian administration, and set Floyd Gibbons and the Hearst press to a campaign 'to make the streets of Honolulu safe for white women.' Now, when the tangled web that Thalia Massie wove can be seen more clearly, an even more dramatic, and surely more important, pattern emerges. For Hawaii, of course, the Massie Affair brought about a new political, economic and social era. For the U.S. as a whole, proud as we are of our enlightened attitude toward "underdeveloped peoples, ' it brings a rough reminder of our once vigorous white-man's-burden colonialism. In this vivid reconstruction the author provides a new solution and an astonishing denou[nc]ement"--Jacket.
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Expedition Agroparks
Expedition Agroparks
This book is the result of several years of expedition into the development of metropolitan FoodClusters. The author's fascination for the agricultural landscapes in and around metropolises led him to the conclusion that improving the efficiency of agriculture is the most effective way to safeguard the quality of such landscapes. The wasteful modes of production developed in the past 150 years have led to a serious decline in both the surface area and the quality of the highly valued landscapes. Closing the loops within the agricultural production system and increasing their productivity is therefore the best remedy to arrest this decline. After analysing the development of agriculture against the background of the urbanisation process in today's network society, the focus shifts to research by design on agroparks. These are spatial clusters of agrofunctions and the related economic activities. Agroparks bring together high-productivity plant-based and animal-based production and processing along industrial lines combined with the input of high levels of knowledge and technology. The cycles of water, minerals and gases are skillfully closed and the use of fossil energy is minimised, particularly by the processing of various flows of waste products and by-products. An agropark may therefore be seen as the application of industrial ecology in the agrosector. The scientific aim of this book is to find answers to the questions of whether agroparks contribute to sustainable development in metropolises, how an agropark is developed and how it must be designed. Under examination are seven designs for agroparks, which were created from 2002 onwards in the Netherlands, China and India.
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The Value of Comparison
The Value of Comparison
In The Value of Comparison Peter van der Veer makes a compelling case for using comparative approaches in the study of society and for the need to resist the simplified civilization narratives popular in public discourse and some social theory. He takes the quantitative social sciences and the broad social theories they rely on to task for their inability to question Western cultural presuppositions, demonstrating that anthropology's comparative approach provides a better means to understand societies. This capacity stems from anthropology's engagement with diversity, its fragmentary approach to studying social life, and its ability to translate difference between cultures. Through essays on topics as varied as iconoclasm, urban poverty, Muslim immigration, and social exclusion van der Veer highlights the ways that studying the particular and the unique allows for gaining a deeper knowledge of the whole without resorting to simple generalizations that elide and marginalize difference.
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Quantitative Thermochronology
Quantitative Thermochronology
Thermochronology, the study of the thermal history of rocks, enables us to quantify the nature and timing of tectonic processes. First published in 2006, Quantitative Thermochronology is a robust review of isotopic ages, and presents a range of numerical modeling techniques to allow the physical implications of isotopic age data to be explored. The authors provide analytical, semi-analytical and numerical solutions to the heat transfer equation in a range of tectonic settings and under varying boundary conditions. They then illustrate their modeling approach built around a large number of case studies. The benefits of different thermochronological techniques are also described. Computer programs on an accompanying website at are introduced through the text and provide a means of solving the heat transport equation in the deforming Earth to predict the ages of rocks and compare them directly to geological and geochronological data. Several short tutorials, with hints and solutions, are also included.
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Christian Forgery in Jewish Antiquities
Christian Forgery in Jewish Antiquities
Since at least the fourth century CE, the Jewish historian Josephus’ Judean Antiquities has been assumed to be a critical source for valid extra-biblical evidence pertaining to the existence of the historical Jesus, James the Just and John the Baptist. Based on the latest findings from both contemporary and independent research, this book sets out, step by step, the final proof that (apart from the New Testament) there is absolutely no valid record pertaining to the historical existence of any of these individuals.
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Complete Guide to Sport Education
Complete Guide to Sport Education
Complete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers a thoroughly updated version of the evidence-based curriculum and instruction model pioneered by Daryl Siedentop, universally acknowledged as the Father of Sport Education. Lead author Siedentop first articulated his Sport Education model back in the late 1970s; it has evolved ever since and has been expressed through three editions of this book. This third edition is backed by substantial research that supports the idea that Sport Education is a valuable and motivating approach to delivering quality physical education experiences for students from the early elementary grades through the university years. New and Revised Material Complete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers readers a significant amount of revised and new material, including enhanced guidance for Sport Education programming across a year. Also noteworthy is the updated alignment of Sport Education’s goals and objectives with the SHAPE America standards and the national learning objectives from other countries. In addition, the text provides six brand-new chapters on the following topics: Including students with special needs Implementing Sport Education beyond physical education (e.g., school-based after-school programs, intramurals, community-based programs, and university basic instruction programs) Evidence-based research on Sport Education Developing effective program-level policies and procedures Managing equipment, facilities, and supplies Sport Education’s link with international objectives Unique Approach to Sport Education Complete Guide to Sport Education represents a departure from traditional curriculum and instruction (C&I) models because it takes an effective student-centered approach, providing students with opportunities to take ownership and responsibility for various aspects of their class experiences. This approach better prepares students to be lifelong participants in healthy physical activity and sport—and to be more engaged in class. The text targets more in-depth and authentic learning experiences than most C&I models, giving students time to develop the skills they need and to learn to fulfill the team roles required for successful seasons. This latest edition introduces new readers to the idea of Sport Education and gives previous users of the model some fresh ways to expand their seasons and make them even more engaging and attractive to their students. Through Sport Education, students are shown effective and meaningful ways to learn about sport, to take part in sport, and to view sport as something they can connect with and find meaning in. Updated Ancillaries Complete Guide to Sport Education comes with several useful and updated ancillaries: A web resource that provides a wealth of examples to support the book content; this resource includes forms, charts, assessments, and other tools A test package that houses 447 multiple-choice and short-answer questions A presentation package with 225 slides outlining the book’s content, including select tables and illustrations from the book An instructor guide that includes course syllabus templates for instructors of undergraduate and graduate students, and provides core course assignments, optional course assignments, graduate student course assignments, and signature assignments Book Organization The text is organized into three parts, with part I outlining the essential features of the Sport Education model and identifying the key aspects upon which the model is based. The importance of sport as a cultural phenomenon is then introduced to explain why it should be a part of school physical education programs. This part also addresses how to identify and select season outcomes, how to use instructional alignment to gain quality season experiences, and how to promote physical activity beyond physical education. Part II explores all the important considerations in designing and implementing Sport Education seasons. This includes modifying games and activities, designing competition formats, selecting teams and roles, teaching fair play, developing competent players, and more. Part III delves into key program design considerations, showing the links between Sport Education and U.S. content standards as well as learning objectives from a number of other countries, guiding readers through the assessment process, and examining the various aspects involved in managing a physical education program based on Sport Education. It also shows how to integrate classroom content with Sport Education. Authoritative and Affordable This popular text, whose first edition was published in 1994, is very affordable compared to similar texts. But the greatest benefit is the enduring quality of an evidence-based, student-centered text that has proven to be of high value to instructors and students alike. Through the book’s Sport Education model, students develop sport skills, grow in leadership and responsibility, and learn about the nonplaying roles of the sport experience (e.g., coach, trainer, publicist, equipment manager, choreographer). All of this leads to being more engaged in class—and to continuing a healthy physical activity engagement beyond the school years.
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Introduction to the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer
Introduction to the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer
This title includes the following features: Great breadth of coverage inone volume: covers all aspects of cancer, in a concise and affordable format;Provides a comprehensive introduction to the initiation, development, andtreatment of cancer; Chapter are written by experts in each field, giving astate-of-the-art summary of each topic; Extensive references provide links toall the relevant literature, facilitating further study
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