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Anticancer Therapeutics
Anticancer Therapeutics
An integrated presentation of the basic science and clinical applications of anticancer agents Aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate readers, this unique text provides readers with a fully-integrated presentation of all aspects of the science of anticancer drugs, including their chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical applications. After heart disease, cancer is the number one killer worldwide, and the tumor microenvironment is forever changing, creating an ever-greater demand for safer, more effective anticancer agents. In response to that demand, the $100 billion cancer drug market continues to grow, with our increased understanding of cancer leading to new drugs being used clinically almost every year. Anticancer Therapeutics is divided into three sections. Section 1 is an introduction to cancer and therapeutics, and covers the etiology and cellular and molecular basis of cancer. In Section 2, the authors focus on the anticancer agents — their discovery, synthesis, mode of action, mechanisms of resistance, and adverse reactions. Section 3 focuses on specific cancers, explaining how and why the various agents discussed in Section 2 are used, both individually and in combination, to treat different cancers. Integrates aspects of basic science, including chemistry and pharmacology and clinical medicine in relation to cancer therapeutics Written by an author team comprising specialists in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and oncology Features full-color images throughout illustrating how drugs bind to cellular targets and exert their pharmacological effect Divided into three sections, covering the etiology and cellular and molecular basis of cancer, anticancer agents, and drug applications for different cancers. Providing the reader with an integrated understanding of all aspects of the science of anticancer agents, this is an ideal textbook for undergraduates studying medicine, nursing, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, pharmacology and other allied heath / life sciences. It is also a valuable bench reference for pharmacists, medics, and pharmaceutical researchers working in both academia and industry.
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African-American Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Gospel and Zydeco on Film and Video, 1924-1997
African-American Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Gospel and Zydeco on Film and Video, 1924-1997
First published in 1999, the main part of this reference consists of an alphabetical listing of many hundreds of artists, with details on band personnel, instrumentation, location, titles performed, sources, and other relevant notes included in each listing.
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Confessions of a Surgeon
Confessions of a Surgeon
As an active surgeon and former department chairman, Dr. Paul A. Ruggieri has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of his profession. In Confessions of a Surgeon, he pushes open the doors of the O.R. and reveals the inscrutable place where lives are improved, saved, and sometimes lost. He shares the successes, failures, remarkable advances, and camaraderie that make it exciting. He uncovers the truth about the abusive, exhaustive training and the arduous devotion of his old-school education. He explores the twenty-four-hour challenges that come from patients and their loved ones; the ethics of saving the lives of repugnant criminals; the hot-button issues of healthcare, lawsuits, and reimbursements; and the true cost of running a private practice. And he explains the influence of the "white coat code of silence" and why patients may never know what really transpires during surgery. Ultimately, Dr. Ruggieri lays bare an occupation that to most is as mysterious and unfamiliar as it is misunderstood. His account is passionate, illuminating, and often shocking-an eye-opening, never- before-seen look at real life, and death, in the O.R.
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Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
How to use nonlinear dynamic models in policy analysis. Policymakers need quantitative as well as qualitative answers to pressing policy questions. Because of advances in computational methods, quantitative estimates are now derived from coherent nonlinear dynamic macroeconomic models embodying measures of risk and calibrated to capture specific characteristics of real-world situations. This text shows how such models can be made accessible and operational for confronting policy issues. The book starts with a simple setting based on market-clearing price flexibility. It gradually incorporates departures from the simple competitive framework in the form of price and wage stickiness, taxes, rigidities in investment, financial frictions, and habit persistence in consumption. Most chapters end with computational exercises; the Matlab code for the base model can be found in the appendix. As the models evolve, readers are encouraged to modify the codes from the first simple model to more complex extensions. Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy can be used by graduate students in economics and finance as well as policy-oriented researchers.
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Genes And Genomes
Genes And Genomes
The celebrated authors present an in-depth overview of the molecular structures and mechanisms that underlie the utilization of genetic information by complex organisms. They emphasize the experimental aspects of molecular genetics, offering a complete introduction to both principles and methods. "Excellent, suitably detailed and superbly written." Philip Leder, Harvard Medical School
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University of Virginia
University of Virginia
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History of Detroit
History of Detroit
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