Anatomy & volumising injections
Facial rejuvenation with fillers over the last twenty years, leading to the coming of a new era with hyaluronic acid. The first book in the Master Collection addressed indications and technique for the injection of botulinum toxin. This new work extends our work on facial rejuvenation to the field of volumising injections. The topic is of great importance given that the fight against aging is not just a trivial question of fashion but is essential to an individual’s well-being and social relationships. Major progress in the techniques of facial rejuvenation in the last decade This is an opportune moment for such a review insofar as there has been major progress in the techniques of facial rejuvenation in the last decade. The broad range of different resources available to us today means that we now often have extensive choice when making our therapeutic decisions. However, none of us would want to cross the ill-defined line between pleasing, natural, balanced rejuvenation and a radical change in facial equilibrium. Medicine and aesthetic surgery are complementary disciplines, both developing quickly but not in competition. The indications for one or the other must always be followed with utmost rigour. The road to excellent outcomes passes by combining the various different methods available to us and by acting together with other experts. All experts agree on the efficacy of hyaluronic acid From the first timid filling in of wrinkles barely twenty years ago, through focused filling treatments and ultimately global injection of the whole face, the journey has been long and sometimes difficult but always full of lessons. Many different products have been used. Some turned out of have a short lifetime and others had adverse effects, serious ones in some cases. Finally, one compound emerged from the pack and now all experts agree on its efficacy; that compound is hyaluronic acid. Philippe Garcia, MD Forewords FOREWORDS TO ANATOMY AND VOLUMISING INJECTIONS Presentation of our approach necessary to determine the relationships between various anatomical planes into which we inject fillers. The authors of this book have chosen to review the basic anatomy By performing serial dissections plane by plane, we have identified safe areas as well as potential hazards. This approach seemed necessary to determine the relationships between the various anatomical planes into which inject fillers. An essential part of this approach is detailed analysis of the different fat compartments which play such an important part in age-related changes to the face. Our work was completed by the dissection of muscles and septa, as well as the identification of their relationship with the fat compartments. These structures are particularly important when it comes to treatment of the infraorbital region and the mandibular line. Therefore, facial aging can no longer be exclusively attributed to the consequences of slippage of the various planes under the influence of gravity, as used to be believed. Process of facial aging is far more complex It is now obvious that the process of facial aging is far more complex. It is even generally accepted now that downward displacements of the fat compartments in the face are controlled by a series of different septa and other ligaments (both false and true) to which they are attached. Moreover, it is also likely that these fat compartments change with time by shrinking and expanding. In the same spirit, what used to be seen as distension of the tissue associated with the muscles of the face and neck could sometimes be a muscular contracture. Probing the exact mechanisms underlying facial aging brings us into a world rich in surprises. And experts from all fields have not finished surprising us with their imagination and enthusiasm. Philippe Garcia,