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La pleine conscience au service de la relation de soin
La pleine conscience au service de la relation de soin
Être professionnel du soin est aujourd’hui source d’un stress considérable, qui menace souvent la relation soignant-soigné elle-même et la qualité de vie du praticien. Face à de telles problématiques, l’acquisition de compétences pour mieux gérer ces situations devient indispensable, tant dans l’intérêt du soignant que dans celui du malade. La pleine conscience offre les ressources nécessaires à cette amélioration. Dans cet ouvrage, adressé à tous les acteurs du soin, Corine Isnard Bagnis détaille les bienfaits de la méditation sur la qualité des soins prodigués, la manière de l’intégrer à sa vie professionnelle et les avancées récentes dont les institutions hospitalières et de formation gagneraient à s’inspirer. Un guide pour véritablement être avec le patient.
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Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators
Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators
Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Eighth Edition provides professional administrators and nursing students with a comprehensive overview of management concepts and theories
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Mindful Medical Practitioners
Mindful Medical Practitioners
Following up on Mindful Medical Practice, this book describes in detail how mindfulness is being taught to medical students, residents, practicing physicians, and allied health care professionals. Steps to set up and integrate programs into curricula are featured and educators’ questions concerning practical aspects of doing this work are addressed. The argument on how to promote the kinds of leadership and cultural changes necessary are also discussed along with the many challenges facing health professionals in multiple settings. Mindful Medical Practitioners is an invaluable resource that raises interest, provides a rationale and details how to integrate mindfulness into clinical work and serves as a guide for those qualified to teach it.
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Genetic Counseling Practice
Genetic Counseling Practice
The first advanced-level genetics counseling skills resource As genetic medicine and testing continue to expand, so the role of the genetic counselor is transforming and evolving. Genetic Counseling Practice: Advanced Concepts and Skills is the first text to address ways that genetic counselors can deepen their skills to meet expanding practice demands. This timely resource not only helps readers further develop their abilities to gather relevant data and interpret it for patients, it also aids them in surpassing their usual role by truly understanding patient situations, incorporating patient values into clinical practice, providing in-depth support, and facilitating thoroughly informed, autonomous decisions. Edited by an expert cross-disciplinary team consisting of a genetic counseling program director, a licensed psychologist, and a nurse/bioethicist/family social scientist, this authoritative reference provides specific and detailed instruction in addressing psychosocial aspects of genetic counseling practice and professional development and training issues of genetic counselors. Provides a process view of genetic counselor service provision; i.e., skills that promote desired genetic counseling outcomes are emphasized (such as relationship skills, patient characteristics, client behaviors, and extra-clinical skills) Includes experiential activities in every chapter to help readers apply concepts and skills Draws on the experience of widely recognized experts in genetic counseling theory, practice, and research, who serve as chapter authors Features numerous specific, real-life examples from clinical practice Genetic Counseling Practice addresses issues relevant to practicing genetic counselors as well as students of genetic counseling programs. In addition, oncology nurses, social workers, and psychologists working with genetic counseling patients and families; medical geneticists and physicians training in the field; and physician assistants will also benefit from this resource.
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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a powerful, evidence-based treatment for depression and other mental health conditions. This groundbreaking professional book provides clinicians with the essential skills they need to deliver MBCT. In this book, you’ll discover the foundations of teaching MBCT, guidance on embodied mindful presence (a focused awareness of experience in the moment), the contemplative dialogue known as inquiry, and other strategies for delivering group-based MBCT. You’ll also find scripts, access to audio material, and practice guidelines for you and your clients. Although focused on MBCT, this book can be referenced for use in other mindfulness-based programs. In addition, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence you need to effectively deliver MBCT and build the foundations of an embodied practice. The book starts with an overview of the MBCT program, before devoting chapters to the structure and skills required for developing competence and best practice. You’ll deepen your understanding and facility in the most challenging elements of MBCT: mindful embodied presence and inquiry. You’ll also learn strategies for delivering this therapy to a group; troubleshooting tips; and a chapter on training, mentorship, and maintaining competence. Finally, you’ll find essential information including meditation scripts, tools, and other resources for delivering MBCT. If you are looking to deepen your practice and ability to teach MBCT, this book—written by renowned MBCT clinicians—is an invaluable addition to your professional library.
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Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning
Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning
Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning is the first comprehensive survey text exploring the history, research, theory, and best practices of secular-scientific mindfulness. With a focus on how mindfulness is taught and learned, this book is an invaluable resource for aspiring or expert mindfulness specialists. Integrating and defining the emerging field of MBTL within a common purpose, evidence-base, and set of transprofessional—and transformational—practices, the book provides both a visionary agenda and highly practical techniques and tools. Chapters provide curriculum design and teaching tips, explore the expert-validated MBTL-TCF competency framework, and reveal insights into the ways self-awareness can evolve into ecological awareness through intensive retreats.
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From Piety to Professionalism--and Back?
From Piety to Professionalism--and Back?
Only in recent centuries have Catholic and Protestant women begun the practice of creating formal groups for the express purpose of operating schools, hospitals, and the like. Yet, there is evidence that this period of active organizational involvement may already be coming to an end. The resulting effect of denominational groups losing their institutional identities has been greatly overlooked in past research. Wittberg aims to redress this omission in this noteworthy work. From Piety to Professionalism D and Back? argues that the dissolution of institutional ties has greatly affected denominations D especially specific denominational subgroups such as Catholic religious orders, Protestant deaconesses, or women's missionary societies D in profoundly important ways: shifting or obliterating their recruitment bases, altering the backgrounds and expectations of their leaders, and often causing fundamental transformations in the very identity and culture of the groups themselves. Using the theoretical lens of organizational sociology, Wittberg has created an important and engaging work that will appeal to scholars of sociology and religion.
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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Learn the comprehensive skills and practices necessary to deliver the MBSR program confidently! Developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and first introduced in a hospital setting, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based modality that has been shown to help alleviate a wide range of physical and mental health issues—such as anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic pain, stress, and more. This comprehensive learning manual for professionals provides everything you need to practice and teach MBSR. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is a timely book that focuses on structure and flexibility when delivering this seminal program. Whether you work in health care, the mental health field, social work, or education, this manual offers clear direction and a sound framework for practicing MBSR in any setting. You’ll gain an understanding of the underlying principles of mindfulness, learn to establish your own personal practice, and discover how you can embody that practice. You’ll also find tips to help you guide meditations, engage in inquiry, and to convey the content of the program to others. If you’re looking for a clear protocol and curriculum for delivering MBSR, this book has everything you need to get started today.
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Tapping the Green Market
Tapping the Green Market
There is a rapidly growing interest in, and demand for, non-timber forest products (NTFPs). They provide critical resources across the globe fulfilling nutritional, medicinal, financial and cultural needs. However, they have been largely overlooked in mainstream conservation and forestry politics. This volume explains the use and importance of certification and eco-labelling for guaranteeing best management practices of non-timber forest products in the field. Using extensive case studies and global profiles of non-timber forest products, this work not only seeks to further our comprehension of certification processes but also broaden understanding of non-timber forest product management, harvesting and marketing. It should be useful to forest managers, policy-makers and conservation organizations as well as for academics in these areas.
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