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Nature's Numbers
Nature's Numbers
In order to really see the forest, what's the best way to count the trees? Understanding how the economy interacts with the environment has important implications for policy, regulatory, and business decisions. How should our national economic accounts recognize the increasing interest in and importance of the environment? Nature's Numbers responds to concerns about how the United States should make these measurements. The book recommends how to incorporate environmental and other non-market measures into the nation's income and product accounts. The panel explores alternative approaches to environmental accounting, including those used in other countries, and addresses thorny issues such as how to measure the stocks of natural resources and how to value non-market activities and assets. Specific applications to subsoil minerals, forests, and clean air show how the general principles can be applied. The analysis and insights provided in this book will be of interest to economists, policymakers, environmental advocates, economics faculty, businesses based on natural resources, and managers concerned with the role of the environment in our economic affairs.
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Nature's Numbers
Nature's Numbers
In order to really see the forest, what's the best way to count the trees? Understanding how the economy interacts with the environment has important implications for policy, regulatory, and business decisions. How should our national economic accounts recognize the increasing interest in and importance of the environment? Nature's Numbers responds to concerns about how the United States should make these measurements. The book recommends how to incorporate environmental and other non-market measures into the nation's income and product accounts. The panel explores alternative approaches to environmental accounting, including those used in other countries, and addresses thorny issues such as how to measure the stocks of natural resources and how to value non-market activities and assets. Specific applications to subsoil minerals, forests, and clean air show how the general principles can be applied. The analysis and insights provided in this book will be of interest to economists, policymakers, environmental advocates, economics faculty, businesses based on natural resources, and managers concerned with the role of the environment in our economic affairs.
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Beyond the Market
Beyond the Market
The national income and product accounts that underlie gross domestic product (GDP), together with other key economic dataâ€"price and employment statisticsâ€" are widely used as indicators of how well the nation is doing. GDP, however, is focused on the production of goods and services sold in markets and reveals relatively little about important production in the home and other areas outside of markets. A set of satellite accountsâ€"in areas such as health, education, volunteer and home production, and environmental improvement or pollutionâ€"would contribute to a better understanding of major issues related to economic growth and societal well-being. Beyond the Market: Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the United States hopes to encourage social scientists to make further efforts and contributions in the analysis of nonmarket activities and in corresponding data collection and accounting systems. The book illustrates new data sources and new ideas that have improved the prospects for progress.
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Accounting for Health and Health Care
Accounting for Health and Health Care
It has become trite to observe that increases in health care costs have become unsustainable. How best for policy to address these increases, however, depends in part on the degree to which they represent increases in the real quantity of medical services as opposed to increased unit prices of existing services. And an even more fundamental question is the degree to which the increased spending actually has purchased improved health. Accounting for Health and Health Care addresses both these issues. The government agencies responsible for measuring unit prices for medical services have taken steps in recent years that have greatly improved the accuracy of those measures. Nonetheless, this book has several recommendations aimed at further improving the price indices.
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Decision Making for the Environment
Decision Making for the Environment
With the growing number, complexity, and importance of environmental problems come demands to include a full range of intellectual disciplines and scholarly traditions to help define and eventually manage such problems more effectively. Decision Making for the Environment: Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities is the result of a 2-year effort by 12 social and behavioral scientists, scholars, and practitioners. The report sets research priorities for the social and behavioral sciences as they relate to several different kinds of environmental problems.
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Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change
Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change
The consequences of climate change for society are analysed in this landmark assessment from the IPCC. This book assesses the available knowledge on the many issues that society has to face, including the international decision-making framework; applicability to climate change of techniques for assessing costs and benefits; the significant social costs of projected climate change; and the economic assessment of policy instruments to combat climate change, nationally and internationally. Some important conclusions of this Second Assessment Report indicate that 10 to 30% of greenhouse gas emissions in most countries can be reduced at negative or zero cost - 'no regrets' measures. Also, the literature indicates that climate change will cause aggregate net damage, which provides an economic rationale for going beyond 'no regrets' measures. It also indicates that a portfolio of mitigation, adaptation and research measures is a sound strategy for addressing climate change given the remaining uncertainties. This report speaks directly to the issues that are faced by the many countries committed to limit emissions of greenhouse gases by the year 2000, and currently negotiating actions to be taken beyond that date. Will be of great value to the international community of policymakers interested in the consequences of climate change, as well as to economists, social and natural scientists.
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At What Price?
At What Price?
How well does the consumer price index (CPI) reflect the changes that people actually face in living costsâ€"from apples to computers to health care? Given how it is used, is it desirable to construct the CPI as a cost-of-living index (COLI)? With what level of accuracy is it possible to construct a single index that represents changes in the living costs of the nation's diverse population? At What Price? examines the foundations for consumer price indexes, comparing the conceptual and practical strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of traditional "fixed basket" and COLI approaches. The book delves into a range of complex issues, from how to deal with the changing quality of goods and services, including difficult-to-define medical services, to how to weight the expenditure patterns of different consumers. It sorts through the key attributes and underlying assumptions that define each index type in order to answer the question: Should a COLI framework be used in constructing the U.S. CPI? In answering this question, the book makes recommendations as to how the Bureau of Labor Statistics can continue to improve the accuracy and relevance of the CPI. With conclusions that could affect the amount of your next pay raise, At What Price? is important to everyone, and a must-read for policy makers, researchers, and employers.
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The World Bank Inspection Panel
The World Bank Inspection Panel
The Inspection Panel (IP) was created as a means for increasing the transparency and accountability of the Bank's operations. It is an independent instrument responding to claims by those adversely affected by the projects financed by the Bank. This report documents the experiences of the first four years (1994-98) through ten case summaries, verified and evaluated by the IP. Namely, the alleged violations stemming from the environmental assessment and resettlement of indigenous people under the Third Arun Hydroelectric project (Nepal); the compensation and expropriation of foreign assets in Ethiopia; the financing of equipment under the Fourth Emergency Power in Tanzania; the alleged damage to the natural environment due to the implementation of the Rondonia Natural Resources Management project in Brazil; the alleged violation in the financing of the Pangue/Ralco Hydroelectric Dams in Chile; the damage to the livelihoods of dwellers under the Jamuna Bridge project in Bangladesh; the adverse effect on local living standards due to the Yacyreta Hydroelectric project implementation in Argentina and Paraguay; intended beneficiaries of the Jute Sector Adjustment Credit in Bangladesh claimed adverse policies by the credit; the adverse effect on the living standards caused by the Itaparica Resettlement project in Brazil; and the harmful result of the Power Generation Project in Singrauli, India.
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Climate Change 2007 - Mitigation of Climate Change
Climate Change 2007 - Mitigation of Climate Change
The Climate Change 2007 volumes of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide the most comprehensive and balanced assessment of climate change available. This IPCC Working Group III volume provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art and worldwide overview of scientific knowledge related to the mitigation of climate change. It includes a detailed assessment of costs and potentials of mitigation technologies and practices, implementation barriers, and policy options for the sectors: energy supply, transport, buildings, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management. It links sustainable development policies with climate change practices. This volume will again be the standard reference for all those concerned with climate change, including students and researchers, analysts and decision-makers in governments and the private sector.
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Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
This latest Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will again form the standard reference for all those concerned with climate change and its consequences, including students, researchers and policy makers in environmental science, meteorology, climatology, biology, ecology, atmospheric chemistry and environmental policy.
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