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Anatomy of the Orchestra
Anatomy of the Orchestra
Before his death in 1994, Norman Del Mar was acknowledged as one of the world's foremost authorities on the orchestra. Anatomy of the Orchestra is written not only for fellow conductors, players, students, and professional musicians, but also for everyone interested in the performance of orchestral music.
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Richard Strauss
Richard Strauss
Norman Del Mar (1919-1994) was universally recognised as a leading authority on the music of Richard Strauss, and his masterly three-volume study of his life and works remains a classic.Volume II spans the years 1912 to 1933 (the première of Arabella), taking in the Ariadne versions, Die Frau ohne Schatten, the ballets and much incidental music.'Deploying a well-nigh encyclopaedic knowledge, Mr Del Mar acquits himself brilliantly of his task of disentangling and reassembling the numerous strands that make up the backcloth of poetry and philosophy which Strauss, while not always understanding every intricacy, yet needed as a constant reference map for his composing. The three volumes of this magnificent book should be studied by all lovers of the late-romantic music, amateurs and professionals alike ... a monumental achievement.' Times Literary Supplement'A brilliant and copiously analytical study ... a constant fascination.' Guardian
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Vida activa, ejercicio y salud
Vida activa, ejercicio y salud
Este libro parte de la premisa de que la actividad física tiene una serie de efectos sobre la salud, entendiendo esta bajo el concepto amplio de bienestar físico, mental y social. Sabiendo que la actividad física es el factor protector de la salud integral más potente que existe y con vasta evidencia científica, este libro es una invitación a poner el cuerpo en movimiento. Para esto, aborda el autocuidado y la vida saludable, los problemas de salud y la inactividad física, los elementos que deben ser considerados antes de comenzar un programa de actividad física (presión arterial, sistema muscular, articulaciones, entre otros), la actividad física para la salud y la nutrición saludable.
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Diccionario de términos aeronáuticos. Inglés-Español
Diccionario de términos aeronáuticos. Inglés-Español
El presente diccionario se constituye en una herramienta de gran ayuda para los estudiantes y para todo el personal aeronáutico, ya que gira en torno a los conceptos técnicos, específicos y diarios que se presentan en el sector de la aviación, durante el desarrollo de las operaciones aéreas.Por otra parte, recopila una amplia gama de conceptos para lograr que la áreas involucradas en los procesos de atención en tierra y luego en vuelo, se correlacionen a través del uso correcto del lenguaje. De esta forma se evitan los problemas comunicativos que usualmente se generan el en desarrollo de las distintas fases.Por último la obra se constituye en una fuente de consulta valiosa, pues despeja las dudas con respecto a la terminología, las abreviaturas y las siglas.
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Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri
Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri
Part Five in the Fishes of the Western North Atlantic series describes the lizardfishes, other iniomi, and deepsea gulpers. Specialist authorships of its sections include detailed species descriptions with keys, life history and general habits, abundance, range, and relation to human activity, such as economic and sporting importance. The text is written for an audience of amateur and professional ichthyologists, sportsmen, and fishermen, based on new revisions, original research, and critical reviews of existing information. Species are illustrated by exceptional black and white line drawings, accompanied by distribution maps and tables of meristic data.
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Visual Notes for Architects and Designers
Visual Notes for Architects and Designers
The completely updated step-by-step guide to¿capturing experiences in sketch format—regardless of artistic ability Recording your ideas and observations primarily in pictures instead of words can help you become more creative and constructive on the job, no matter what your level of artistic ability. Featuring completely new coverage of visual note-taking in a digital world, Visual Notes for Architects and Designers, Second Edition demonstrates how to make rapid, notational sketches that serve as visual records for future reference, as well as improve understanding and facilitate the development of ideas. It shows you how to expand your knowledge of a subject beyond what is gained through observation or verbal representation alone. You gain access to simple techniques for collecting, analyzing, and applying information. Crowe and Laseau examine the relationship between note-taking, visualization, and creativity. They give practical guidance on how to develop: Visual acuity—the ability to see more in what you experience Visual literacy—expressing yourself clearly and accurately with sketches Graphic analysis—using sketches to analyze observations Numerous examples demonstrate some of the many uses of visual notes. They help you develop a keener awareness of environments, solve design problems, and even get more out of lectures and presentations. The authors also discuss types of notebooks suitable for taking visual notes. If you want to develop your perceptual and creative skills to their utmost, you will want to follow the strategies outlined in Visual Notes for Architects and Designers, Second Edition. It is a valuable guide for architects, landscape architects, designers, and anyone interested in recording experience in sketch form.
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Manejo y conservación de fauna en ambientes antropizados
Manejo y conservación de fauna en ambientes antropizados
El interés científico por comprender, reducir o revertir estas afectaciones ha resultado en numerosas acciones de manejo para lograr la conservación biológica de especies nativas tanto en ambientes urbanos como naturales. Con base en el análisis de las actividades mencionadas, en este libro se presenta una serie de propuestas de manejo que han favorecido la conservación de la fauna, las cuales provienen de la experiencia directa de los autores o de revisiones de literatura, e identifican factores y actores clave que deben ser tomados en cuenta por el lector al implementar medidas de conservación para el manejo de fauna en ambientes antropizados.
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