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Plan-making for Sustainability
Plan-making for Sustainability
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Notes on Authors -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Glossary of Māori Terms -- Abbreviations -- Introduction: From Rio to RMA: Great Expectations -- PART 1: APPROACHES TO PLANNING AND GOVERNANCE -- 1 Planning Mandates: From Theory to Practice -- 2 Making Plans: From Theory to Practice -- PART 2: INTERGOVERNMENTAL PLANNING IN NEW ZEALAND -- 3 Central Government: Walking the Talk -- 4 Regional Government: A Non-Partner -- 5 Māori Interests: Elusive Partnership -- PART 3: PLAN QUALITY AND CAPABILITY UNDER THE RMA -- 6 Regional Councils: Lightweight Policy Statements and Limited Capability -- 7 District Councils: Mixed Results in Planning and Capability -- 8 Influencing Factors: Linking Mandates, Councils, Capability and Quality -- PART 4: LOCAL CASE STUDIES -- 9 Far North District: Resisting Innovation -- 10 Queenstown Lakes District: Development Meets Environment -- 11 Tauranga District: Policy Coherence on the Coast -- 12 Tasman District: Political Populism -- Conclusion: A Decade On: Unfulfilled Expectations -- APPENDICES -- 1 Key Provisions of the RMA Affecting Local Government Functions -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Plan Coding Protocol -- References Cited -- Index
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Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3
Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3
British Columbia has one of the richest assemblages of bird species in the world. The four volumes of The Birds of British Columbia provide unprecedented coverage of this region's birds, presenting a wealth of information on the ornithological history, habitat, breeding habits, migratory movements, seasonality, and distribution patterns of each of the 472 species of birds. This third volume, covering the first half of the passerines, builds on the authoritative format of the previous bestselling volumes. It contains 89 species, including common ones such as swallows, jays, crows, wrens, thrushes, and starlings. The text is supported by hundreds of full-colour pictures, including unique habitat photographs, detailed distribution maps, and beautiful illustrations of the birds, their nests, eggs, and young. The Birds of British Columbia is a complete reference work for bird-watchers, ornithologists, and naturalists who want in-depth information on the province's regularly occurring and rare birds.
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Planning for Small Town Change
Planning for Small Town Change
Change is inevitable in all communities: they both grow and decline. Planning is a means by which we have sought to manage this change. It has not always succeeded in providing the types of settlements and environments which many residents and others want, either because it is operating with the wrong policies or because it is failing to ensure that the right policies are effectively implemented. These failings have opened planning to criticism by a dominant neoliberal orthodoxy which shapes an increasingly difficult environment in which planning has to operate. Planning for Small Town Change builds on an underexploited selection of international research and the authors’ English case studies to consider the efficacy of planning for change. Drawing on insightful small town experiences, three themes emerge: understanding and conceptualising change; appreciating the potential within place; and the mechanisms for planning and delivery. The research draws on many examples of how key actors have made a significant difference to specific places and provides important insights into how the planning process can be better matched to the long-term and complex challenges faced. Whilst small town experiences are often neglected, they are found to be particularly insightful in understanding the potential roles of local communities and the importance of place quality when planning for change.
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Birds of British Columbia, Volume 2
Birds of British Columbia, Volume 2
This volume completes the nonpasserine species and contains accounts for the diurnal birds of prey through woodpeckers.
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Anxiety, Learning, and Instruction
Anxiety, Learning, and Instruction
First published in 1977. Each of the authors independently initiated research to find ways of reducing the undesirable effects of anxiety 1 on intellectual performance. The aim of this book is to summarize the research and ideas that have emerged from these programs. It is both a progress report on the approaches we have developed for reducing anxiety or its undesirable effects, and a means of sharing our insights concerning better ways of accomplishing these goals in the future.
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Paul the Jew under Roman Rule
Paul the Jew under Roman Rule
Some of the most heated contests around the apostle Paul today concern the effort to understand him wholly “within Judaism,” and the effort to interpret him over against the culture and ideology of the early Roman Empire. In this collection of essays, Neil Elliott shows that these two conversations belong together and must be resolved together, by understanding Paul as a Jew living out Israel’s ancient hopes under the pressures of Roman imperial power.
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Handbook of Sociology
Handbook of Sociology
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Plan-making for Sustainability
Plan-making for Sustainability
Paying particular attention to the New Zealand experience of planning for environmental sustainability in the 1980s, this multi-authored study draws upon several fields of scholarship including: land use planning, environmental science, political science, and systems thinking.
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