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The Dragon Fostered Child
The Dragon Fostered Child
Late at night, a Kitsune finds an abandoned infant. Unable to care for it herself when she first finds him, she enlists an old friend to aid. The boy isn't raised like a normal human would be, however, and this brings him to odds between human instinct and the culture he grows accustomed to. It's a matter of how he'll adapt... or how much he's willing to change about himself.
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Hume and the Demands of Philosophy
Hume and the Demands of Philosophy
Hume and the Demands of Philosophy: Science, Skepticism, and Moderation offers a comprehensive interpretation of the relationship between Hume’s scientific project and his skepticism. Nathan I. Sasser argues that Hume is a radical epistemic skeptic who has purely practical reasons for retaining the beliefs that are essential for ordinary life and scientific research. On Sasser’s reading, the key to Hume’s epistemology is his conception of philosophy as a normative method of inquiry governing the special sciences. Philosophy approves of the mental faculties that produce reasoning and sensory beliefs. But sensory beliefs and the products of reason themselves face insuperable rational defeater arguments, and because they do, philosophy demands that we suspend these beliefs. Hume’s solution to this skeptical dilemma is to point out the fatal practical consequences of doing so. He advises us not to submit to the demands of philosophy when doing so is neither agreeable nor useful to ourselves or others. Hume’s moderate approach to philosophy recognizes that if the human mind is not created by a beneficent deity, then we must learn to live with the divergence between the epistemic demands of philosophy and the practical demands of life.
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Freedom Or Home
Freedom Or Home
Some of my kind was free and self-sufficient, others were tamed, and in the care of the humanoid animals that had some dominance over the land I knew, and despite it seeming like a nightmare, these creatures were as kind as can be. However, even in our reality, nothing's perfect, because what's a utopia for one, isn't for another. Even then, I didn't find myself in a good situation. My family was tamed for a certain animal family; however, in the master's will, it said that the child would be in one of his daughter's care. Once he died though I was left fending for myself in my own home from one of his crazy daughters. I ran only with the stuff he got me and a five-day supply of necessities if I didn't ration. Now all I knew is that I was on my own. The only thing that was on my mind now was, do I give this a chance and be free, or do I try to find a new family?
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Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras
Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras
The theory of Jordan algebras has played important roles behind the scenes of several areas of mathematics. Jacobson's book has long been the definitive treatment of the subject. It covers foundational material, structure theory, and representation theory for Jordan algebras. Of course, there are immediate connections with Lie algebras, which Jacobson details in Chapter 8. Of particular continuing interest is the discussion of exceptional Jordan algebras, which serve to explain the exceptional Lie algebras and Lie groups. Jordan algebras originally arose in the attempts by Jordan, von Neumann, and Wigner to formulate the foundations of quantum mechanics. They are still useful and important in modern mathematical physics, as well as in Lie theory, geometry, and certain areas of analysis.
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The Boy Who Cried Dragon
The Boy Who Cried Dragon
A Birth family infatuated with black magic, an adopted home with a man who went from nothing to a medical breakthrough after a chance crash landing in his town. David would have it rough, but the man before him may make it look like he got off easy with the curse that befell them. How will they manage? And what was the motive behind the strange curse? (Updates will occur when I can, right now I'm looking to get this out there)
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Short stories
Short stories
Wir, fünf Teilnehmer des P-Seminars »short stories» des Luitpold-Gymnasiums München, haben uns vor circa einem Jahr das Ziel gesetzt, eine Anthologie von englischen und deutschen short stories in Form eines professionell verlegten Buches herauszubringen. Nach mehreren Wochen bzw. Monaten aktiver Schreibphase kristallisierten sich einige Themengebiete heraus, die jeder Literat selbst entwickelte. Von Fantasieerzählungen bis zur Schilderung von Vergangenem, von der Selbstfindung bis zur Schilderung von Zukunfstplänen – alles ist dabei. Nach vielen Diskussionen und Besprechungen der Geschichten erkannten wir, dass eine Gliederung nach Themengebieten schwer werden würde, da sich die Geschichten voneinander sehr unterscheiden. Dies stellt jedoch kein Problem dar, sondern macht dieses Buch höchst aufregend. Je nach Lust und Laune können die verschiedensten Inhalte gelesen werden – auf Englisch oder Deutsch. Während Sie gerade dabei sind, dieses Vorwort zu lesen, können Sie erkennen, dass wir unser Ziel erreicht haben. Wir haben es geschafft, eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten selbst zu verlegen. Inhalt, Layout, Gestaltung und Verlag – alles Aufgaben, die fünf Schüler der Oberstufe des Luitpold-Gymnasiums München selbst übernommen und verantwortet haben. Wir wünschen Ihnen nun viel Spaß bei der Lektüre dieses Buches.
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Brain Injury Medicine
Brain Injury Medicine
A Doody's Core Title 2012 Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the management issues involved in caring for the person with brain injury - from early diagnosis and evaluation through the post-acute period and rehabilitation. It is the definitive core text needed by all practitioners in this area, including physiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, nurses, and other health care professionals. Written by over 100 acknowledged leaders in the field, and containing hundreds of tables, graphs, and photographic images, the text deals with issues of neuroimaging and neurodiagnostic testing, prognosis and outcome, acute care, rehabilitative care, treatment of specific populations, neurologic problems following injury, neuromusculoskeletal problems, and general management issues. Key features include: Emphasis on a disease state management approach to patient assessment and treatment Promotion of a holistic, biopsychosocial model of patient assessment and care Review of current expert consensus on practice guidelines Exploration of epidemiologic and basic pathophysiologic aspects of brain injury Examination of clinical issues throughout the continuum of rehabilitative care Cutting edge, practical information based on the authors' extensive clinical experience that will positively impact patients and families following brain injury
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Value Management in Healthcare
Value Management in Healthcare
"Nathan Tierney’s powerful storytelling is rarely seen in today’s health care business environment. We must redesign the health care delivery system---a team sport in service of patients, hold it accountable with measurement to improve outcomes, and quantify the resource costs over the full cycle of care. Value-based health care is a framework through which these goals are achieved, and Tierney provides a detailed playbook to get your organization there. Outlined in incredible detail and clarity, he presents core concepts and dives into the key metrics needed to build, maintain, and scale a successful value-based health care organization. Nathan shares a realistic vision of what any CEO should expect when developing their own Value Management Office. Nothing is more important to me than improving the lives of those I love. My personal mission is to create systemic change with an impact on the global stage. This playbook needs to be on the desk of every executive, clinician, and patient today." -Mahek Shah, MD, Senior Researcher and Senior Project Leader, Harvard Business School Our current healthcare system’s broken. The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) predicts health care costs could increase from 6% to 14% of GDP by 2060. The cause of this increase is due to (1) a global aging population, (2) growing affluence, (3) rise in chronic diseases, and (4) better-informed patients; all of which raises the demand for healthcare. In 2006, Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg authored the book ‘Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results.’ In it, they present their analysis of the root causes plaguing the health care industry and make the case for why providers, suppliers, consumers, and employers should move towards a patient-centric approach that optimizes value for patients. According to Porter, "value for patients should be the overarching principle for our broken system." Since 2006, Professor Porter, accompanied by his esteemed Harvard colleague, Profesor Robert Kaplan, have worked tirelessly to promote this new approach and pilot it with leading healthcare delivery organizations like Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, and U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Given the current state of global healthcare, there is urgency to achieve widespread adoption of this new approach. The intent of this book is to equip all healthcare delivery organizations with a guide for putting the value-based concept into practice. This book defines the practice of value-based health care as Value Management. The book explores Profesor Porter’s Value Equation (Value = Outcomes/ Cost), which is central to Value Management, and provides a step-by-step process for how to calculate the components of this equation. On the outcomes side, the book presents the Value Realization Framework, which translates organizational mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures and contextualizes the measures for healthcare delivery. The Value Realization Framework is based on Professor Kaplan's ground-breaking Balanced Scorecard approach, but specific to healthcare organizations. On the costs side, the book details the Harvard endorsed time-driven activity based costing (TDABC) methodology, which has proven to be a modern catalyst for defining HDO costs. Finally, this book covers the need and a plan to establish a Value Management Office to lead the delivery transformation and govern operations. This book is designed in a format where any organization can read it and acquire the fundamentals and methodologies of Value Management. It is intended for healthcare delivery organizations in need of learning the specifics of achieving the implementation of value-based healthcare.
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Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2012)
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2012)
The Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (HAISA) symposium specifically addresses information security issues that relate to people. It concerns the methods that inform and guide users' understanding of security, and the technologies that can benefit and support them in achieving protection. This book represents the proceedings from the 2012 event, which was held in Crete, Greece. A total of 19 reviewed papers are included, spanning a range of topics including the communication of risks to end-users, user-centred security in system development, and technology impacts upon personal privacy. All of the papers were subject to double-blind peer review, with each being reviewed by at least two members of the international programme committee.
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