Dialogue with My Atheist Friend
Because we do not see God, because we do not know the future, because the hereafter is unseen, and because those who go to the grave do not return; atheism has spread, materialistic ideas have prevailed, people have worshipped themselves and succumbed to their desires, and fought over the benefits of the world, thinking that there is nothing beyond this life, and nothing after death. The major countries have fought over the gold of the earth and its riches, and disbelief has its theories, materialism its philosophies, denial its warriors, and the deniers have a Kaaba to which they cling, and to which they make pilgrimages back and forth, a Kaaba they call: "Science". In this context came this dialogue with my atheist friend, addressing topics of determinism and choice, resurrection, destiny, and judgment; this book attempts to solve these puzzles from the standpoint of established science, philosophy, Quranic indications, and belief in God.