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Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children
Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children
The Classic Edition of this foundational text includes a new preface from Miguel Pérez-Pereira, examining how the field has developed since first publication. The volume provides an in-depth account of blind children's developing communicative abilities, with particular emphasis on social cognition and language acquisition from infancy to early school age. It provides insights into why the development of blind children may differ from that of sighted children and explores development of "theory of mind" and perspective taking in language learning. It also discusses the caregiver–child interaction, research on early intervention and practical strategies for blind children that can assist parents and practitioners. The up-to-date preface discusses recent neurological research and the comparison between the psychological development of visually impaired and autistic children. Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children continues to facilitate dialogue between those interested in the study of typically developing children and those interested in the development of children who are blind, and challenges some widely held beliefs about the development of communication in blind children.
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Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES V)
Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES V)
Since the publication of the still very valuable Biblioteca histórica de la filología by Cipriano Muñoz y Manzano, conde de la Viñaza (Madrid, 1893), our knowledge of the history of the study of the Spanish language has grown considerably, and most manuscript and secondary sources had never been tapped before Hans-Josef Niederehe of the University of Trier courageously undertook the task to bring together any available bibliographical information together with much more recent research findings, scattered in libraries, journals and other places. The resulting Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español: Desde los principios hasta el año 1600 (BICRES) began appearing in 1994. BICRES I covered the period from the early beginnings to 1600), followed by BICRES II (1601–1700), BICRES III (1701–1800), and together with Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres of Madrid there followed BICRES IV (1801 to 1860). Now, the fifth volume, has become available, covering the years from 1861 to 1899. Access to the bibliographical information of altogether 5,272 titles is facilitated by several detailed indexes, such as a short title index, a listing of printers, publishers and places of production, and an author index. More than twenty years of research in the major libraries of Spain and other European countries have gone into this unique work — relative sources of the Americas have also been covered — making it exhaustive source for any serious scholar of any possible aspect of the Spanish language.
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La comunidad a debate
La comunidad a debate
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Juan José Castro
Juan José Castro
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