American Mashup
The American Mashup is a first-year popular culture reader for the Facebook/Twitter generation with cutting-edge themes and reading selections designed to encourage critical thinking and writing by analyzing diverse genres, disciplines and strategies. In touch with today's generation of college students, for whom trends and styles change more rapidly than any other generation, The American Mashup teaches students to read texts, and then it sets them free to make complex connections on their own. The book builds upon the textual readings students do on a daily basis, unaware of the fact that they are judging, critiquing, and evaluating texts without consciously thinking about the process. Using texts from blogs, videos, magazines, advertisers, journalists, researchers, and pop culture gurus, The American Mashup incorporates current trends in music, fashion, advertising, entertainment, and technology to provide students with a springboard for essay assignments and in-class discussions. The American Mashup also introduces a number of new topics of interest to students by virtue of their subject matter: social media, sexuality and relationships, work and careers, violence, drugs and alcohol, and heroes and celebrities. Most importantly, The American Mashup simultaneously prepares students for college writing across a wide variety of disciplines, as well as exposing them to writing styles and practices that they will both encounter and create beyond their college experience.