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Heeding New Voices
Heeding New Voices
Reports on structured interviews conducted with new faculty and graduate students who will be the professoriate of the future. Considers what changes need to be made in the faculty career to make it more enticing, self-renewing, and resilient for the individual and to provide greater flexibility for institutions. Includes a "Principles of Good Practice: Supporting Early-Career Faculty" section also available separately at
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Creating the Future of Faculty Development
Creating the Future of Faculty Development
Efforts to support and enrich faculty work—particularly in a changing context—are critically important to faculty members, institutional leaders, and higher education itself. This book surveys faculty development from its beginnings, summarizes the challenges and pressures now facing developers and higher education as a whole, and proposes an agenda for the future of faculty development. Based on a study of nearly 500 faculty developers from all institutional types, this book offers a vision of what the field might become, addressing several key issues such as the structural variations among faculty development programs; the goals, purposes, and models that guide and influence program development; and the top challenges facing faculty members, institutions, and faculty development programs. Contents include: The Evolution of Faculty Development A Portrait of Current Faculty Development: Personnel and Programs Influences on Developers and Programs Current Issues Addressed by Faculty Development Services Future Priorities for Faculty Development Future Directions for Faculty Development: Open-Ended Responses Faculty Development in the Age of the Network
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Writing in the Disciplines
Writing in the Disciplines
Writing in the Disciplines (WiD) is a growing field in which discipline-based academics, writing developers, and learning technologists collaborate to help students succeed as subject specialists. This book places WiD in its theoretical and cultural contexts and reports on initiatives taking place at a range of UK higher education institutions. Also includes surveys of current developments and scholarship in the US, Australia, Europe and elsewhere, making it of interest to both a UK and an international audience.
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Critical Thinking and Analysis
Critical Thinking and Analysis
This book is designed for students to use independently to enhance their critical thinking skills. It contains advice and examples of students' writing to illustrate poor performance and demonstrate how to produce effective critical discourse. As university study requires students to demonstrate critical insight, this book shows how to develop this skill by breaking down the thinking and writing processes into steps. It also points out that critical thinking is valued in post-university employment and discusses how to prepare for professional writing.
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Faculty Development in the Age of Evidence
Faculty Development in the Age of Evidence
The first decade of the 21st century brought major challenges to higher education, all of which have implications for and impact the future of faculty professional development. This volume provides the field with an important snapshot of faculty development structures, priorities and practices in a period of change, and uses the collective wisdom of those engaged with teaching, learning, and faculty development centers and programs to identify important new directions for practice. Building on their previous study of a decade ago, published under the title of Creating the Future of Faculty Development, the authors explore questions of professional preparation and pathways, programmatic priorities, collaboration, and assessment. Since the publication of this earlier study, the pressures on faculty development have only escalated—demands for greater accountability from regional and disciplinary accreditors, fiscal constraints, increasing diversity in types of faculty appointments, and expansion of new technologies for research and teaching. Centers have been asked to address a wider range of institutional issues and priorities based on these challenges. How have they responded and what strategies should centers be considering? These are the questions this book addresses.For this new study the authors re-surveyed faculty developers on perceived priorities for the field as well as practices and services offered. They also examined more deeply than the earlier study the organization of faculty development, including characteristics of directors; operating budgets and staffing levels of centers; and patterns of collaboration, re-organization and consolidation. In doing so they elicited information on centers’ “signature programs,” and the ways that they assess the impact of their programs on teaching and learning and other key outcomes. What emerges from the findings are what the authors term a new Age of Evidence, influenced by heightened stakeholder interest in the outcomes of undergraduate education and characterized by a focus on assessing the impact of instruction on student learning, of academic programs on student success, and of faculty development in institutional mission priorities. Faculty developers are responding to institutional needs for assessment, at the same time as they are being asked to address a wider range of institutional priorities in areas such as blended and online teaching, diversity, and the scale-up of evidence-based practices. They face the need to broaden their audiences, and address the needs of part-time, non-tenure-track, and graduate student instructors as well as of pre-tenure and post-tenure faculty. They are also feeling increased pressure to demonstrate the “return on investment” of their programs.This book describes how these faculty development and institutional needs and priorities are being addressed through linkages, collaborations, and networks across institutional units; and highlights the increasing role of faculty development professionals as organizational “change agents” at the department and institutional levels, serving as experts on the needs of faculty in larger organizational discussions.
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Effective Practices for Academic Leaders
Effective Practices for Academic Leaders
Executive Summary This briefing is designed primarily for department chairs, but it will also be useful to other academic administrators responsible for faculty development. It is based on a series of findings reported from our major study of the field of faculty development in higher education (Sorcinelli, Austin, Eddy, & Beach, 2006). It asks two important questions: What are the key challenges facing faculty members and their institutions? and What are the issues around which faculty members are likely to need support over the next few years? It is important to note that while the term faculty development broadly refers to assisting faculty to become more effective in performing all roles related to academic life, a large number of our findings focus on roles and responsibilities related to teaching and student learning. We begin this briefing by identifying the key challenges and pressures facing faculty members and their institutions in this changing world of higher education. These are the changing nature of the professoriate; the changing nature of the student body; and the changing nature of teaching, learning, and scholarship. Next, we offer an overview of each of these challenges and discuss how department chairs can initiate activities that respond to them in ways that support the professional development of their faculty. We conclude by offering five specific action steps that chairs can take as they guide and support their departments in an era of dramatic change, not only in the expectations for our faculty and the profile of our students, but also in our paradigms for teaching, learning, and scholarship.
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Dora Deane
Dora Deane
Reprint of the original, first published in 1872. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that they do not get lost.
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Midcourse Correction for the College Classroom
Midcourse Correction for the College Classroom
"This book is about using the Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID) method to make improvements to the educational experience in mid-course. The idea is to use this structured interview process to involve students in helping faculty improve a course while they are in it, potentially making a difference for themselves as well as for future students. Faculty gain the opportunity to work on a course before it ends, and can see what changes work without waiting for the next time the course is offered, or the end of semester student evaluations"--
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Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education
Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education
A toolkit of strategies for postsecondary instructors to use to cultivate safe, inclusive learning spaces and improve teaching. Based on work conducted through the Instructional Moves project at Harvard University, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education outlines the many ways in which good college and graduate school teaching is rooted in deliberate pedagogical choices that support active learning. Jeremy T. Murphy and Meira Levinson distill good instruction to its essential components, analyzing the careful steps successful instructors take to create learning spaces that encourage all students to do ambitious work. Profiling professors in a range of contexts and disciplines, Murphy and Levinson take readers on deep dives into individual instructors' teaching methods in actual classrooms. Each real-world example is accompanied by a set of practical action points that can be adopted by both new and experienced instructors, communities of practice, and educational developers and coaches. Collectively, the examples underscore how students with differing abilities, diverse identities, and disparate worldviews can all benefit from student-centered learning environments, in which collaboration is valued and students are afforded opportunities to apply what they have learned. Murphy and Levinson spotlight inclusive instructional moves such as community-building exercises, interactive lectures, and discussion facilitation that nurture a sense of belonging and encourage student engagement in both in-person and online settings. They also explore the benefits of innovative teaching formats such as flipped classrooms, simulations, and virtual learning. Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education illustrates how pedagogical shifts small and large can improve college teaching powerfully.
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