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Ellen S. Woodward
Ellen S. Woodward
Ellen S. Woodward (1887-1971) was touted as Roosevelt's second most powerful woman appointee. Among American women only Eleanor Roosevelt and Labor Department Secretary Frances Perkins could claim more elevated roles in the circle of FDR's administration. This long overdue biography of such a remarkable leader traces Woodward's odyssey from the parlors of her Mississippi clubwomen associates to a position as director of women's work relief under three successive New Deal agencies from 1933 to 1938. Swain depicts Woodward in the vital roles she took in alleviating the working woman's plight. Particularly rich is Swain's account of Woodward's attempts to remain vital in policymaking during the Truman era, when Eleanor Roosevelt was no longer the central figure of the women's coterie. Without minimizing the limitations of the programs under Woodward's aegis, Swain gives ample attention to the operation and internal dynamics of her ambitious projects. Though some of Woodward's project proved to be disappointing, others became rich legacies for programs in later administrations.
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Lucy Somerville Howorth
Lucy Somerville Howorth
Mississippi native Lucy Somerville Howorth (1895–1997) championed for the rights of women long before feminism was a widely recognized movement. Dorothy S. Shawhan and Martha H. Swain tell her remarkable life story—from her small-town upbringing to her career as an attorney, to her role as a New Deal activist in Washington D.C. Howorth became known for her leadership qualities and quick appraisal of social problems, particularly as they affected women. She became general counsel of the War Claims Commission and held a presidential appointment under four different presidents. This first-ever biography of Howorth bestows long-overdue recognition of her many achievements and illuminates the activism of women long before the women's movement.
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Nursing Theorists and Their Work - E-Book
Nursing Theorists and Their Work - E-Book
The most comprehensive of its kind, this classic resource in the field of nursing theory provides an in-depth look at 49 theorists of historical, international, and significant importance. Each chapter features a clear, consistent presentation of a key nursing philosophy or theory. Case studies and critical thinking activities help bridge the gap between theory and application. A case study at the end of each theorist chapter puts the theory into a larger perspective, helping you understand how the information can be applied to practice. A Major Concepts & Definitions box in each theorist chapter outlines and summarizes the theory’s most significant ideas and clarifies content-specific vocabulary. Each theorist chapter concludes with an extensive bibliography outlining numerous primary and secondary sources of information ideal for research projects. Critical Thinking Activities at the end of each theorist chapter challenge you to process the theory presented and apply it to personal and hypothetical practice situations. Introductory chapters provide you with a strong foundation in the history and philosophy of science, logical reasoning, and the theory development process. Diagrams for theories help you visualize and better understand inherently abstract concepts. Each theorist chapter is written by a scholar specializing in that particular theorist’s work — often an individual who has worked closely with the theorist. Most chapters have been reviewed and edited by the theorist for currency and accuracy, further validating the accounts set forth in the text. Theorist birth (and if applicable, death) dates help you place each individual into a time context. A new chapter introduces the theorist Afaf Meleis and covers her Transition Theory that has helped shape the theoretical development of nursing. Points for further study at the end of each chapter direct you to assets available for additional information. Need to know information is highlighted in at-a-glance summary boxes throughout to help you quickly review key concepts. Personal quotes from the theorists help you gain insight and make each complex theory more memorable. Updated references include only published works to ensure accuracy and credibility.
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Nursing Theorists and Their Work
Nursing Theorists and Their Work
The most comprehensive of its kind, Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8th Edition provides an in-depth look at 39 theorists of historical, international, and significant importance. Each chapter features a clear, consistent presentation of a key nursing philosophy or theory. Case studies, critical thinking activities, and in-depth objective critiques of nursing theories help bridge the gap between theory and application. Critical Thinking Activities at the end of each theorist chapter help you to process the theory presented and apply it to personal and hypothetical practice situations.A case study at the end of each theorist chapter puts the theory into a larger perspective, demonstrating how it can be applied to practice.A Brief Summary in each theorist chapter helps you review for tests and confirm your comprehension.A Major Concepts & Definitions box included in each theorist chapter outlines the theory's most significant ideas and clarifies content-specific vocabulary.Each theorist chapter is written by a scholar specializing in that particular theorist's work, often having worked closely with the theorists, to provide the most accurate and complete information possible. Beginning chapters provide a strong foundation on the history and philosophy of science, logical reasoning, and the theory development process.Diagrams for theories help you visualize and better understand inherently abstract concepts.Pictures of theorists, as well as a listing of contact information for each individual, enables you to contact the source of information directly.Theorist chapters have been reviewed and edited by the theorist, validating the accounts set forth in the text for currency and accuracy.An extensive bibliography at the conclusion of each theorist chapter outlines numerous primary and secondary sources of information, ideal for both undergraduate and graduate research projects. NEW! Quotes from the theorist make each complex theory more memorable.NEW! Chapter on Afaf Meleis profiles a theorist who has shaped theoretical development in nursing and explores her "transition theory."NEW! Need to Know Information is highlighted to streamline long, complex passages and help you review key concepts.NEW! Points for Further Study at the end of each chapter direct you to assets available for additional information.
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Lucy Somerville Howorth
Lucy Somerville Howorth
Born, raised, and retired in Mississippi, Lucy Somerville Howorth (1895–1997) was a champion for the rights of women long before feminism emerged as a widely recognized movement. As told by Dorothy S. Shawhan and Martha H. Swain, hers is a remarkable life story-from a small-town upbringing to a career as an attorney, an activist, and the last of a generation of New Deal women in Washington, D.C. She held a presidential appointment under every chief executive from Franklin Roosevelt to John Kennedy. Howorth was a fervent believer in the power of organizations to bring about change, and she became known for her leadership qualities, acumen, and quick appraisal of social problems, particularly as they affected women. Shawhan and Swain point out that her winsome personality, small stature, and delightful sense of humor also aided her as a female aspiring in a man's world. In 1931 she was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives and, after campaigning for Roosevelt, was rewarded by the new president with a federal appointment. She served in a number of subsequent roles, rising to become general counsel of the War Claims Commission, at that time the highest legal position in an executive commission ever filled by a woman. Howorth worked relentlessly for the advancement of women, especially through the American Association for University Women and the National Federation of Business and Professional Women. She lobbied for equality in the workplace, helping to effect significant advances in government and the professions. In 1944, at the request of Eleanor Roosevelt, Howorth delivered the keynote speech at the White House Conference on Women in Postwar Policy-Making, the most memorable of her many public addresses. This first-ever biography of Howorth bestows long-overdue recognition of her many notable achievements and illuminates the activism of women in the decades often considered to be the doldrums of the women's movement.
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Nursing Theory
Nursing Theory
Nursing Theory: Utilization & Application, 5th Edition covers the development of nursing theory; the application of different nursing theories, models and philosophies; and the expansion of these practices with a look toward the future. This text provides the opportunity for students who have learned the background of nursing theory using the companion title, Nursing Theorists and Their Work, to apply what they have learned to actual nursing practice through various patient scenarios. - Real-life case history examples included in application chapters promotes evidence-based practice and further demonstrates how a theory is used in practical situations. - Consistent case history featuring the patient Debbie in every chapter and the nursing plan that follows help you apply philosophies, theories and models presented in the text. - Critical thinking exercises provide a more application-based approach rather than just contemplation of theories presented. - Chapters written by contributors who utilize the work offer a unique approach to using theory in practice. - Nursing metaparadigm discussion illustrates the four center concepts with which the discipline is concerned to help you see the scope of concern for the profession. - Logical organization presents content in three distinct parts. - Glossary offers quick access to key terms throughout the text. - Updated nursing application examples feature realistic scenarios that promote evidence-based practice. Scenarios have been updated using references to current literature and evidence-based clinical research. - New information on the benefits and cautions associated with evidence-based practice, including a new discussion of "praxis," a dynamic process where theory and practice come together. - Updated critical thinking exercises reflect the role of the nursing professional and advanced nursing practice, encouraging a higher level of thinking regarding the integration of theory and practice.
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Introduction to Political Psychology
Introduction to Political Psychology
Introduction to Political Psychology explores the many psychological patterns that influence individual political behavior. The authors introduce readers to a broad range of theories, concepts, and case studies of political activity, arguing that individuals are driven or motivated to act in accordance with personality characteristics, values, beliefs, and attachments to groups. The book explains many aspects of political behavior—whether seemingly pathological actions or normal decision-making practices, which sometimes work optimally, and sometimes fail. Thoroughly updated throughout, the book examines patterns of political behavior in areas including leadership, group behavior, voting, race, nationalism, terrorism, and war. This edition features coverage of the 2016 election and profiles former U.S. President Donald Trump, while also including updated data on race relations and extremist groups in the United States. Global issues are also considered, with case studies focused on Myanmar and Syria, alongside coverage of social issues including Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement. Accessibly written and comprehensive in scope, it is an essential companion for all graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of psychology, political science, and political psychology. It will also be of interest to those in the policy-making community, especially those looking to learn more about the extent to which perceptions, personality, and group dynamics affect the policy-making arena. It is accompanied by a set of online instructor resources.
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The Tenney Family
The Tenney Family
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Drawn to Purpose
Drawn to Purpose
Winner of the 2019 Eisner Award for the Best Comics-Related Book Published in partnership with the Library of Congress, Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists presents an overarching survey of women in American illustration, from the late nineteenth into the twenty-first century. Martha H. Kennedy brings special attention to forms that have heretofore received scant notice—cover designs, editorial illustrations, and political cartoons—and reveals the contributions of acclaimed cartoonists and illustrators, along with many whose work has been overlooked. Featuring over 250 color illustrations, including eye-catching original art from the collections of the Library of Congress, Drawn to Purpose provides insight into the personal and professional experiences of eighty women who created these works. Included are artists Roz Chast, Lynda Barry, Lynn Johnston, and Jillian Tamaki. The artists' stories, shaped by their access to artistic training, the impact of marriage and children on careers, and experiences of gender bias in the marketplace, serve as vivid reminders of social change during a period in which the roles and interests of women broadened from the private to the public sphere. The vast, often neglected, body of artistic achievement by women remains an important part of our visual culture. The lives and work of the women responsible for it merit much further attention than they have received thus far. For readers who care about cartooning and illustration, Drawn to Purpose provides valuable insight into this rich heritage.
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