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Family-Based Youth Ministry
Family-Based Youth Ministry
Mark DeVries offers an approach that brings teens into one-to-one relationship with older Christians; involves the whole church family from singles to seniors; and frees pastors and leaders from worrying about attendance, budget and competition with other programs.
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Sustainable Young Adult Ministry
Sustainable Young Adult Ministry
Young adult ministry can scare us, but what if it's not as enigmatic as we've been led to believe? Full of practical advice from their own experience (and a wealth of additional resources), this book from Scott Pontier and Mark DeVries explores six common mistakes churches make in their efforts to reach young adults, offering six paradoxes that return us to a simpler, more biblical ministry model.
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Sustainable Children's Ministry
Sustainable Children's Ministry
Are you a children's ministry leader on the edge of burnout? Sustainable Children’s Ministry shows you how to recruit volunteers, partner with parents, navigate politics, and care for your own soul instead of frantically scrambling to do it all yourself. This practical resource will help you build a ministry foundation that will still be standing long after you are gone.
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The Most Important Year in a Woman's Life/The Most Important Year in a Man's Life
The Most Important Year in a Woman's Life/The Most Important Year in a Man's Life
Your marriage could be one of history’s great love stories! As newlyweds, it’s time to ensure that your marriage can meet the challenges it will face right around the corner. Cultivating good habits during these first twelve foundational months of your marriage and knowing what to focus on will set the stage for years to come.Robert and Bobbie and Mark and Susan know that there’s a big difference between preparation and actual experience. This is your guide to actually dealing with all the things that come after “I do.” In this unique flip-over format, the chapter topics are the same but one half is written by men for the husband, and the other half is written from a women’s perspective for the wife. As a couple, you’ll each progress through your part of the book and meet somewhere in the middle. Become an expert on what really makes your spouse happy, and enjoy the benefits of a great partnership. Take an honest look at the family you grew up in: its unwritten codes, how it has shaped you, and the ways it affects your relationship with your mate. Learn how to speak each other’s “language” and appreciate the qualities each of you brings to your marriage.You’ll also get an eye-opening look at communication skills, secrets for a great sex life, budget basics, dealing with in-laws, navigating tough times, and much more. Above all, you’ll cultivate a spiritual unity that draws the two of you closer to each other as you draw closer to God. Start reading, and make this first year together what it was meant to be: the most important year in your life.
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Building Your Volunteer Team
Building Your Volunteer Team
Do you find yourself wondering how to get new volunteers onboard for your ministry? Youth leaders Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman have heard all the reasons why leaders fail to get and keep volunteers. That's why they have developed this 30-day on-ramp to creating a volunteer team, with all of the needed tools included and a money-back guarantee.
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Building Your Volunteer Team
Building Your Volunteer Team
Do you find yourself wondering how to get new volunteers onboard for your ministry? Youth leaders Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman have heard all the reasons why leaders fail to get and keep volunteers. That's why they have developed this 30 - day on - ramp to creating a volunteer team, with all of the needed tools included and a money - back guar...
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Sustainable Youth Ministry
Sustainable Youth Ministry
One of the big problems in youth ministry is the constant turnover of youth ministers. Mark DeVries addresses the problem with a systematic answer: churches need to take corporate responsibility for establishing a vision and structure for effective ministry, rather than leaving it all up to the youth minister. Especially helpful for senior pastors and church leaders.
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The Most Important Year in a Woman's Life
The Most Important Year in a Woman's Life
This practical, easy-to-read handbook helps young wives know how to establish wise patterns at the start of their marriage to ensure a smooth path for the rest of their lives.
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Reaching a Generation for Christ
Reaching a Generation for Christ
Things have changed. The Truth has not. The 1950's are gone forever. The days of the Sunday school attendance award and the much-loved Sunday school picnic have faded into oblivion. Yet some youth ministries still operate as if today's kids are living in a vacuum, unaffected by the changing morals of today's society. How can we reach these kids with the truth of the gospel? More than fifty of America's youth experts give advice and encouragement to those who long to see this generation know the love of Christ. They help readers think through their philosophies of youth ministry, break down barriers that impede progress, and maximize their own gifts and the gifts of those who work with them. They answer tough questions such as: How can leaders build a relational youth ministry? How can we find and support volunteers? What are the issues women face in youth ministry? How do we minister in ethnic communities? How should we respond to popular culture? How can we help hurting adolescents? You can have a vibrant youth ministry even in these uncertain times. You can reach this generation for Christ.
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Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
Shepherd's Notes- Christian Classics Series is designed to give readers a quick, step by step overview of some of the enduring treasures of the Christian faith. They are designed to be used along side the classic itself- either in individual study or in a study group. The faithful of all generations have found spiritual nourishment in the Scriptures and in the works of Christians of earlier generations. Martin Luther and John Calvin would not have become who they were apart from their reading Augustine. God used the writings of Martin Luther to move John Wesley from a religion of dead works to an experience at Aldersgate in which his "heart was strangely warmed." Shepherd's Notes will give pastors, laypersons, and students access to some of the treasures of Christian faith.
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