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Drawings and Watercolours in the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection
Drawings and Watercolours in the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection
- This publication shows exquisite works of art by great masters such as Dürer, Fragonard, Millet, Watteau and others that can't be found on permanent display for conservation reasons This publication presents the drawings and watercolors gathered by Calouste Gulbenkian rarely put on display for conservation reasons. It is possible to identify in this publication some of the great examples of European drawings and watercolors produced between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries by great masters such as Dürer, Fragonard, Millet, Watteau and others. Contents: Essay: Calouste Gulbenkian and the art of drawing; Selected works; Chapters: sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; Eighteenth century; Nineteenth Century; Twentieth Century.
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European Master Drawings from Portuguese Collections
Scheda storico-descrittiva del disegno di Giovane che fa il bagno ad un bambino (Il Bagnetto); Natiche di un bambino, proprietà della Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, Oporto.
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Des forêts tropicales aux déser ts spectaculaires, des immenses plateaux de Patagonie couverts de lacs cristallins et de glaciers à la fertile et verdoyante pampa, des régions couvertes de vignes aux plus hautes montagnes de l'Amérique latine, l'Argentine est une terre de contrastes naturels par excellence. Ce livre spectaculaire nous fait découvrir les différentes facettes de ce pays, qu'elles soient naturelles, humaines, historiques et culturelles, à travers des images d'une rare beauté.
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Le livre, objet d'art
Le livre, objet d'art
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