Foreign policy annual
(In Fourteen Volumes) Foreign Policy Annual is the first publication of its type that provides a reliable chronicle of events in contemporary Indian Foreign Policy on a day-to-day basis. It covers India s participation in the deliberations of international organizations, and relations with her neighbours, regional and super powers; also contains chronicle of world events in which India reacted in defence of its national interests. The events deal with India s political, economic and strategic relations as well as unofficial opinion on world affairs. During all these eventful years as an independent nation, there has been phenomenal growth in our foreign contacts so much so that diplomatic relations have been established with almost all the countries of the world. Besides as a member of hundreds of international organizations, India has to participate in their periodic deliberations. The VIP visits and those numerous other groups have become common occurrences of the day. Hardly any country has the opportunity to extend hospitality in one single year to so many distinguished visits which are not merely acts of diplomatic courtesy. Then due to the growth of the political consciousness among our people, interest in world developments has assumed a new dimension. Our countrymen have grown critical of our government s international activities than of its doings on the home front. The vigilant press kept watchful eye on every initiative that govt. took or the way it reacted to different issues that arose from time to time. All this underlines the very fact that in view of India s growing importance in world politics, its increasing activities in the international sphere need to be viewed and chronicled periodically. The publication as such was introduced first time in 2001 and it has been continuing pleased at its lofty and lasting utility proven to the Indian as well as people from the foreign lands. Published in two volumes every year, saliently featured, it contains the documents in the first volume while the events with all accuracy are chronicled in the second one. The events have taken place either on our own land or on the foreign. And the documents, really rare to the provision to the commonly reach of the people or organizations, will in actual sense be proved invaluable, at ease, and these comprise of various kinds of documents-such as, addresses, international reports, bilateral or multilateral treaties, conventions, international agreements etc. proving to be highly beneficial to the people having the characters, of economic, politic, sociatic , health and hygine, environment etc. This publication will certainly prove to be a storehouse for knowledge, information and reference in many measures. The people will find it an easy access to the things which earlier either swam in air or rested in the books of the higher offices, meaning thereby beyond the complete reach.