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Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning
This book is an outcome of the National Seminar on Technical Manpower Planning in India at Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, All the papers submitted by the participants have been made into 3 volumes. The central theme being manpower planning, all the articles address different perspectives of manpower planning and its practice in India. This papers have been grouped on the basis of differential sub-themes. The articles in this book are on the theme Human Resource Planning. This volume is number 3 in a series of total compilation and editing of all the articles received for presentation in the seminar. The various sub-themes covered in all the three volumes are: (1) Manpower Planning in 21st Century; (2) Effective approach and models in Manpower Planning; (3) Manpower Planning in Specified areas; (4) Impact of Globalization on Manpower Planning; (5) Miscellaneous aspects of Manpower Planning particles in Indian Organisations.
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Community College: Curriculum And Teaching
Community College: Curriculum And Teaching
Contents: Administration and the Community College Curriculum, Faculty Development in the Community College, Faculty Decision Making in the Community College, Community College Curriculum Development, Teaching English in the Community College Curriculum, Teaching Science in the Community College Curriculum.
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Issues In School Curriculum
Issues In School Curriculum
Contents: Curriculum is the life of school education. All the programmes of the school revolve around the curriculum. Such an important one is having certain issues to be discussed in detail. This book on issues in school curriculum explains about various aspects concerned to school curriculum. This book will be of use to teachers, authors, administrators and curriculum specialists.
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Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 74: Print + eBook with Multimedia
Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 74: Print + eBook with Multimedia
Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Carolyn M. Hettrich, MD, MPH, FAAOS (editor) and Xinning Li, MD, FAAOS, FAOA (assistant editor), Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 74 offers current, clinically relevant information across a broad spectrum of orthopaedic topics. The 36 chapters were written by orthopaedic surgeons and are based on selected Instructional Course Lectures and Symposia presented at the 2024 AAOS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California.
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Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 73
Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 73
Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Ronald A. Navarro, MD, FAAOS, FAOA (editor) and Carolyn M. Hettrich, MD, MPH, FAAOS (assistant editor), Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 73 offers current, clinically relevant information across a broad spectrum of orthopaedic topics. These lectures were written by the orthopaedic surgeons who presented at the 2023 AAOS Annual Meeting. This all-new volume covers topics such as: • From Platelet-Rich Plasma to Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Cartilage Regeneration With Orthobiologics • Patient Reported Outcome Measures – How to Get the Most Out of Them and Mitigate Health Care Disparities • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Optimize Risk-Based Value in Orthopaedic Surgery • Peri-articular Injection and Peripheral Nerve Blocks With Standard Agents • Management of Acute Diabetic Ankle Fractures • And many more
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Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions
Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions
Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions The new Fifth Edition of Shear’s Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions delivers a comprehensive treatise on cysts that arise in the oral and maxillofacial tissues. It is the gold-standard on oral and maxillofacial cysts for professionals working in head and neck pathology, oral medicine, head and neck surgery, and radiology. The book has been completely revised and rewritten to enable readers to easily access key facts and important information that will assist in diagnosis and management of these lesions. The text has been updated, with increased emphasis on histopathology and differential diagnosis, and with a new layout that makes information more accessible to students and trainees at all levels, as well as to non-specialist clinicians and general pathologists faced with an individual lesion that requires diagnosis and management. Key features include: A new chapter that reviews the pathogenesis of cysts and presents an approach to diagnosis, including specific radiological and histological features that have diagnostic utility in each cyst type More detailed considerations of the classification and terminology of cysts including discussion of the historical background Enhanced data presentation with new tables and illustrations, and increased numbers of photomicrographs and radiology images Detailed consideration of histological and radiological differential diagnosis Comprehensive reviews of the pathology and pathogenesis of each cyst type including molecular and genetic studies that have advanced our understanding The use of boxes that summarise key features and make information easily accessible to readers at all levels Shear’s Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions Fifth Edition is a valuable resource for specialists and trainees in oral and maxillofacial pathology, oral medicine, and head and neck surgery, as well as radiologists seeking a comprehensive understanding of oral and maxillofacial cysts.
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Moulds and Mycotoxins of Paddy: Incidence, Impact and Management
Moulds and Mycotoxins of Paddy: Incidence, Impact and Management
There are scores of excellent books and monographs dealing with the different aspects of rice, an important crop of India. However, no books are available dealing with the theme of the present book. Incidence of molds and mycotoxins on stored grains is a neglected area when compared to other-aspects of crops. It did not receive the attention as it deserved. The present book: Moulds and Mycotoxins of Paddy: Incidence, Impact and Management is an authoritative and research based book on the subject. It is the outcome of extensive research work carried out by the authors over the past few years. It primarily deals with the extent of incidence of molds and mycotoxins and their impact on quality of rice and management practices to be adopted in Andhra Pradesh. Special emphasis is given to territrem B mycotoxin incidence and its biological effects. Efforts are made to devise suitable preventive and control measures of paddy moulds and mycotoxins. Information embodied in this book will be useful to researchers working in this area, policy – makers, agriculture scientists, extension workers, ware-house managers, farmers and also consumers.
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Religion and Psychiatry
Religion and Psychiatry
Religion (and spirituality) is very much alive and shapes the cultural values and aspirations of psychiatrist and patient alike, as does the choice of not identifying with a particular faith. Patients bring their beliefs and convictions into the doctor-patient relationship. The challenge for mental health professionals, whatever their own world view, is to develop and refine their vocabularies such that they truly understand what is communicated to them by their patients. Religion and Psychiatry provides psychiatrists with a framework for this understanding and highlights the importance of religion and spirituality in mental well-being. This book aims to inform and explain, as well as to be thought provoking and even controversial. Patiently and thoroughly, the authors consider why and how, when and where religion (and spirituality) are at stake in the life of psychiatric patients. The interface between psychiatry and religion is explored at different levels, varying from daily clinical practice to conceptual fieldwork. The book covers phenomenology, epidemiology, research data, explanatory models and theories. It also reviews the development of DSM V and its awareness of the importance of religion and spirituality in mental health. What can religious traditions learn from each other to assist the patient? Religion and Psychiatry discusses this, as well as the neurological basis of religious experiences. It describes training programmes that successfully incorporate aspects of religion and demonstrates how different religious and spiritual traditions can be brought together to improve psychiatric training and daily practice. Describes the relationship of the main world religions with psychiatry Considers training, policy and service delivery Provides powerful support for more effective partnerships between psychiatry and religion in day to day clinical care This is the first time that so many psychiatrists, psychologists and theologians from all parts of the world and from so many different religious and spiritual backgrounds have worked together to produce a book like this one. In that sense, it truly is a World Psychiatric Association publication. Religion and Psychiatry is recommended reading for residents in psychiatry, postgraduates in theology, psychology and psychology of religion, researchers in psychiatric epidemiology and trans-cultural psychiatry, as well as professionals in theology, psychiatry and psychology of religion
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QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
This book provides a systematic introduction to the fundamental concepts, major challenges, and effective solutions for Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Unlike other books on the topic, it focuses on the networking aspects of WSNs, discussing the most important networking issues, including network architecture design, medium access control, routing and data dissemination, node clustering, node localization, query processing, data aggregation, transport and quality of service, time synchronization, and network security. Featuring contributions from researchers, this book strikes a balance between fundamental concepts and new technologies, providing readers with unprecedented insights into WSNs from a networking perspective. It is essential reading for a broad audience, including academics, research engineers, and practitioners, particularly postgraduate/postdoctoral researchers and engineers in industry. It is also suitable as a textbook or supplementary reading for graduate computer engineering and computer science courses.
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