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El municipio ante la crisis del federalismo mexicano
El municipio ante la crisis del federalismo mexicano
La publicación de este libro coincide con la conmemoración de los 100 años de promulgación de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; máximo ordenamiento jurídico que regula la vida de nuestro país. Entre las instituciones más importantes emanadas de este documento, se encuentra sin duda alguna, el sistema federal, uno de los cuatro que existen en la región, aunque paradójicamente, a pesar de ello, México sea reconocido como uno de los países más centralizados. La Constitución señala las reglas con base en las cuales los gobiernos federal, estatales y municipales trabajan para promover los objetivos más importantes, que de acuerdo con la actual agenda global de desarrollo son la erradicación de la pobreza y la inequidad. Este colosal reto obliga a preguntarse cuáles son los resultados que el modelo federal mexicano ha tenido en la promoción de mejores condiciones de vida para la población y en qué medida es aún útil para impulsar el trabajo coordinado de las tres esferas de gobierno, junto con los sectores privado y social, a fin de procurar el desarrollo integral de la nación.
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Tarsila Do Amaral
Tarsila Do Amaral
An exploration of the innovative, quintessentially Brazilian painter who merged modernism with the brilliant energy and culture of her homeland Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973) was a central figure at the genesis of modern art in her native Brazil, and her influence reverberates throughout 20th- and 21st-century art. Although relatively little-known outside Latin America, her work deserves to be understood and admired by a wide contemporary audience. This publication establishes her rich background in European modernism, which included associations in Paris with artists Fernand Léger and Constantin Brancusi, dealer Ambroise Vollard, and poet Blaise Cendrars. Tarsila (as she is known affectionately in Brazil) synthesized avant-garde aesthetics with Brazilian subjects, creating stylized, exaggerated figures and landscapes inspired by her native country that were powerful emblems of the Brazilian modernist project known as Antropofagía. Featuring a selection of Tarsila's major paintings, this important volume conveys her vital role in the emerging modern-art scene of Brazil, the community of artists and writers (including poets Oswald de Andrade and Mário de Andrade) with whom she explored and developed a Brazilian modernism, and how she was subsequently embraced as a national cultural icon. At the same time, an analysis of Tarsila's legacy questions traditional perceptions of the 20th-century art world and asserts the significant role that Tarsila and others in Latin America had in shaping the global trajectory of modernism.
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The Power Struggles over the Post-neoliberal Social Security System Reforms in Venezuela and Ecuador
The Power Struggles over the Post-neoliberal Social Security System Reforms in Venezuela and Ecuador
This book carries out a comparative analysis of the power struggles over the post-neoliberal social security reforms in Venezuela and Ecuador. The research breaks down why the social security system reform initiated by Hugo Chávez’ government in Venezuela has come down since its passing in 2002, whereas the social security system reform initiated by Rafael Correa’s government in Ecuador has come along in spite of the obstacles since 2007. All in all, the analysis determined that the struggles over the social security system reforms in both countries remarkably corresponded to each other with regard to their structural conditions, points of contention, and contending actors. In contrast, the analysis established substantial divergences regarding the ways in which the struggles over both reforms came about, due to the divergent development of the struggles for hegemony between government and opposition. These divergences finally brought about the indefinite stagnation of the reform in Venezuela and the advancement of subsequent partial reforms aimed at the universalization of social security in Ecuador.
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Historia general de México.
Historia general de México.
La presente Versión 2000 es una nueva edición de la Historia general de México, preparada por el Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México. En esta ocasión se incorporan, por primera vez desde la aparición original de la obra en 1976, varios cambios importantes, entre los que destacan la sustitución de algunos capítulos y la revisión y actualización de otros. Los capítulos sustituidos o renovados profundamente incluyen una amplia variedad de temas: las regiones de México, la prehistoria, el mundo mexica, el siglo XVI, el siglo XVIII, las primeras décadas del México independiente, la cultura mexicana del siglo XIX y la política y economía del México contemporáneo. Los capitulos correspondientes a estas temáticas han sido reescritos o modificados por autores que figuraban ya en la edición original: Bernardo García Martínez, José Luis Lorenzo, Pedro Carrasco, Enrique Florescano, Josefina Z. Vázquez, José Luis Martínez y Lorenzo Meyer.
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Amphibians of Ecuador
Amphibians of Ecuador
This book is the second of four volumes, which are comprehensive, well-illustrated, and authoritative works invaluable to biologists, conservationists, and others. It explores, in comprehensive detail, the rich amphibian diversity of Ecuador, providing a thorough review of biogeography, amphibian declines, and conservation. This volume covers Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae. Characteristics of each species are listed, defined, and compared to similar other species. Reproductive behavior, where known, is described, as are data on vocalizations, larvae, and ontogenetic changes. Amphibian distributions are illustrated with physiographic maps with dots. Each volume addresses the declines, extinctions, and conservation status of each species and provides notations of their occurrence in reserves. KEY FEATURES Provides detailed and authoritative accounts for each species in seven families: Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae New data are incorporated for many species Describes with full-color maps the distribution of all known taxa Includes information on the ecology, reproduction, and behavior of all taxa
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