Caroline Williams
"For a painter suffused with history and the traditions of art, Caroline Williams is frighteningly contemporary. This book presents her landscapes. The powers of nature collide with technology as a product of human energy, ingenuity and arrogance - are they in a dance of technological victory or mutual destruction? Often beautiful, frequently taking the observer outside any comfort zone, always intriguing, highly intelligent and powerful, Caroline William's paintings embrace humour, joy, scepticism, event and warning in distinctive and compelling ways that reveal a true artist at work. Leslie Willcocks' interests are technology, politics, organisations and globalisation. The vital question, as we extend our power through such technologies, is whether we can control their limitless expansion or whether we are dooming ourselves to, not just techno-failures, but much larger human and eco-disasters. The narrative in this volume relates to the history of art, humanity's present predicaments, and how Caroline Williams, through a hard-won, distinctive form of imagining, provides warnings and lessons that we would do well to heed." -- Publisher's web-site.