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A Discourse Analysis of Chinese Disagreement Management Strategies in Business Negotiation Settings
This dissertation investigates strategies of native Mandarin Chinese speakers in disagreement management at business negotiation settings by examining linguistic and non-linguistic resources recurrently utilized by the participants in this study. A principal concern is how cultural and contextual factors contribute to the formation and interpretation of the strategies. The present study is intended to provide Western audiences with practical information about Chinese tactics in their disagreement management particularly at business settings. The ultimate goal of this study is to enhance intercultural communication and understanding. Under the guidance of the theoretical and methodological principles of interactional sociolinguistic approaches, I observed and filmed seven live Chinese business negotiation meetings and conducted three post-interviews with key participants at three Chinese cities. The treatment of the data includes transcribing the set of the data, identifying the instances containing the strategies, and analyzing patterned strategies with the qualitative method. In this study, I argue that the preference for agreement is situational specific. The findings indicate Chinese people are conscious of their opponent's face, but business interest outweighs face politeness. The study shows that business interest and power/personal relationships are major factors in the participant's choice of disagreement management strategies.
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Sui Generis Right Protection of Database and Anti-Unfair Competition
In July 1995, EU adopted Directive 96/9/EC to introduce a new sui generis right which, combined with copyright, provides an enhanced legal protection of database. However, an inherent problem embedded in this legislation system is that such protection mechanism may tend to generate a monopolistic use upon database especially when a major source of information falls into a monopolist's hands. The purpose of this paper is therefore to deal with the interaction between legally protecting databases under sui generis right and effectively preventing the rise of monopoly element in their use in order to achieve balance from the legislator's perspective. This paper will review in some details the status quo of sui generis right protection on database in the EU, US and WIPO and examine an accompanying problem - the danger of monopoly or unfair competition in the use of databases. After a systematic comparison and analysis, along with a study of legal approaches taken in China, conclusion will look into the future of this area.
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Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability
Natural Resources and Sustainability explores how human needs and desires, from sustenance and shelter to recreation and travel, have spurred the consumption of Earth's material resources. Scientists, ecologists, and other expert authors present the historical impact of commercial activities (in industries as varied as fisheries, agriculture, energy, and mineral extraction), discuss the global distribution and use of renewable and nonrenewable resources, and focus on innovative approaches for the future. Readers will learn why renewal doesn't necessarily put a resource beyond harm - and why the no-free-lunch adage applies to all natural resources.
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