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Los Motivos del Lobo
Los Motivos del Lobo
El titulo del libro esta basado en la poesia del escritor nicaraguense Ruben Dario. En esta novela el protagonista Rene Medina Castillo tiene que resistir la injusticia de un teniente racista y una mujer empujada por la lujuria. Rene Medina es destituido de su grado militar y expulsado de la Marina. Entonces la esposa de Medina se suicida al estar apenada por lo que la prensa escribe sobre el caso de su esposo. El inmenso dolor lleva a Medina a la locura, a tal grado que cree ver en sus suenos a su esposa; y que ella le exige una venganza. Esta situacion esquizofrenica conduce a Medina a realizar dos actos terroristas, dos actos criminales; para vengar la muerte de su esposa. La novela corre en Estados Unidos, Las Bahamas y Puerto Rico. Al final, Rene Medina decide suicidarse, y con su muerte pagar su despiadada venganza. Esta novela es totalmente de ficcion, pues nada asi, puede rozar someramente la realidad.
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La Leyenda del San Sebastián
La Leyenda del San Sebastián
La novela de la leyenda del San Sebastian se trata de la busqueda de un galeon espanol con un gran tesoro dentro. La busqueda es en la costa del caribe colombiano por un grupo de ex traficantes de mariguana. Dentro de la novela se narran varias historias ineditas, entre ellas: Sucesos acaecidos en el Escambray Cuba, durante la lucha guerrillera anticomunista, y el proceso de los pueblos cautivos. Tambien se narra la historia del crecimiento y creacion del contrabando de marihuana en la Florida y en Colombia. Ademas, podemos contar en la novela la historia de los delincuentes que asesinan a unos personajes que andaban buscando el tesoro. Y por otro lado, la relacion que hay entre los antiguos marinos tripulantes del barco y una espiritista que termina ayudando a encontrar el tesoro del galeon.
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The Helpless
The Helpless
I thank the reader for their understanding so that they do not judge me with prejudices and understand that one lives not as one wants but as God wants. In this novel, I narrate his participation in the events that involved the MC Department of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. I narrate an interview that I had with Brigadier General Jose Abrante and Colonel Antonio de la Guardia Font to plan the activities of that department. So this novel is written, without omitting or adding anything, using only the author's memories, which are based on real events.
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The Power of Ink
The Power of Ink
This novel or story, The Power of Ink, is part of a trilogy that begins with the novel Facundo, which is the story of the life of Facundo Cardona Gil in Cuba and in Miami and the Florida Keys, continues with the novel or story Rumbo Caribe that recounts Facundo's escape through the Bahamas Islands, Puerto Rico and Colombia and ends with Facundo living in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. The work contains an interesting and true story full of adventures, analysis of passions and feelings, and descriptions of customs, characters, and stories of the places where Facundo travels. I thank the reader for having had the pacience to read it, and I pray to God that you like it, I say goodbye by writing the continuation of the power of ink, which will be the tooth "Los Heirs" of the second trilogy.
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We Were, are and Will be
We Were, are and Will be
A first-person account of the lives of men who risked everything to survive, segregated by the same society that forced them to be different. They served their sentences, their debt to society, but they will never have their rightful place in history.
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We Were Are and Will Be
We Were Are and Will Be
"Literature is that which makes the invisible, visible."I ask the saints of heaven to help me with my thinking. I ask for your assistance as well. It is time for me to tell my story. May they refresh my memory and clarify my thoughts. - Jose Hernandez"After the anthropologist's rescue operation ended, Patricia was left to decide whether or not to accuse her husband, the real estate broker, lawyer, and criminal, Carlos Mendoza. Eloísa and Nico left Rio Hacha, a Colombian town in the Guajira region with 20,848 square kilometers and 255,000 inhabitants, the homeland of the Guaya Indian, and traveled to Santa Marta, a Colombian department with 22,901 square kilometers and 769,141 inhabitants. From there, the indomitable Puerto Rican, Eloísa Mercado Rivera, traveled to Cartagena de Indias, the capital of the Colombian state of Bolivar with 25,964 square kilometers and 1,197,623 inhabitants.
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The Helpless
The Helpless
I thank the reader for their understanding so that they do not judge me with prejudices and understand that one lives not as one wants but as God wants. In this novel, I narrate his participation in the events that involved the MC Department of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. I narrate an interview that I had with Brigadier General Jose Abrante and Colonel Antonio de la Guardia Font to plan the activities of that department. So this novel is written, without omitting or adding anything, using only the author's memories, which are based on real events.
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