Larry the Liberal Lawyer Lashes Out
Larry the Liberal Lawyer Lashes Out is a "best of" collection of Op-Eds and essays from Larry Atkins, one of the top freelance Op-Ed writers in America. The issues covered include politics, law, journalism, current events, social issues in sports, humor, and Philadelphia-related topics. Atkins teaches Editorial Writing at Temple University and Journalism at Arcadia University. He has written over 250 Op-Eds, articles, and essays for many publications, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dallas Morning News, Detroit News, Hartford Courant, Indianapolis Star, Jewish Exponent, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Daily News, National Public Radio (Commentaries for Morning Edition and Only a Game), Newark Star-Ledger, Newsday, Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Metro, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and The Writer Magazine. He wrote a chapter on Op-Eds and essays for the ASJA Guide to Freelance Writing (St. Martin's Press).