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A Country of Shepherds
A Country of Shepherds
This book draws on the life stories told by shepherds, farmers, and their families in the Andalusian region in Spain to sketch out the landscapes, actions, and challenges of people who work in pastoralism. Their narratives highlight how local practices interact with regional and European communities and policies, and they help us see a broader role for extensive grazing practices and sustainability. A Country of Shepherds is timely, reflecting the growing interest in ecological farming methods as well as the Spanish government’s recent work with UNESCO to recognise the seasonal movement of herd animals in the Iberian Peninsula as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Demonstrating the critical role of tradition, cultural geographies, and sustainability in the Mediterranean, this book will appeal to academicians but also to general readers who seek to understand, in very human terms, the impact of the world-wide environmental crisis we are now experiencing.
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Neither Saints Nor Sinners
Neither Saints Nor Sinners
This book brings together the portraits and autobiographical texts of six 17th-century Latin American women, drawing on primary sources that include Inquisition and canonization records, confessional and mystic journals, and legal defenses and petitions.
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In the Shadow of Cortés
In the Shadow of Cortés
Five hundred years ago, the army of conquest led by Hernan Cortés marched hundreds of miles across a rugged swath of land from Veracruz on the Mexican Caribbean to the capital city of the Aztecs, now Mexico City. This journey was the catalyst for profound cultural and political change in Mesoamerica. Today, many Mexicans view the Ruta de Cortés as a symbol of an event that forever changed the course of their history. But few U.S. Americans understand how the conquest still affects Mexicans’ national identity and their relationship with the United States. Following the route of Hernán Cortés, In the Shadow of Cortés offers a visual and cultural history of the legacy of contact between Spaniards and indigenous civilizations. The book is a reflective journey that presents a diversity of voices, images, and ideas about history and conquest. Specialist in Mexican culture Kathleen Ann Myers teams up with prize-winning translators and photographers to offer a unique reading experience that combines accessible interpretative essays with beautifully translated interviews and dozens of historical and contemporary black-and-white and color images, including some by award-winner Steven Raymer. The result offers readers multiple perspectives on these pivotal events as imagined and re-envisioned today by Mexicans both in their homeland and in the United States. In the Shadow of Cortés offers an extensive visual narrative about conquest and, ultimately, about Mexican history. It traces the symbolic geography of the conquest and shows how the historical memory of colonialism continues to shape lives today.
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Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America
Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo (1478-1557) wrote the first comprehensive history of Spanish America, the Historia general y natural de las Indias, a sprawling, constantly revised work in which Oviedo attempted nothing less than a complete account of the Spanish discovery, conquest, and colonization of the Americas from 1492 to 1547, along with descriptions of the land's flora, fauna, and indigenous peoples. His Historia, which grew to an astounding fifty volumes, includes numerous interviews with the Spanish and indigenous leaders who were literally making history, the first extensive field drawings of America rendered by a European, reports of exotic creatures, ethnographic descriptions of indigenous groups, and detailed reports about the conquest and colonization process. Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America explores how, in writing his Historia, Oviedo created a new historiographical model that reflected the vastness of the Americas and Spain's enterprise there. Kathleen Myers uses a series of case studies—focusing on Oviedo's self-portraits, drawings of American phenomena, approaches to myth, process of revision, and depictions of Native Americans—to analyze Oviedo's narrative and rhetorical strategies and show how they relate to the politics, history, and discursive practices of his time. Accompanying the case studies are all of Oviedo's extant field drawings and a wide selection of his text in English translation. The first study to examine the entire Historia and its evolving rhetorical and historical context, this book confirms Oviedo's assertion that "the New World required a different kind of history" as it helps modern readers understand how the discovery of the Americas became a catalyst for European historiographical change.
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Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment
Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment
The field of child sexual abuse has dramatically changed since Understanding Child Sexual Maltreatment was published in 1990. Considerable developments in child and offender research have emerged. But more significantly, a backlash against child abuse victims, Child Protective Services, and mental health professionals has impacted nearly every aspect of research, diagnosis, and intervention. Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment, Second Edition updates its comprehensive coverage of child sexual abuse definitions and indicators, interview and questioning techniques, and diagnosis guidelines to include an insightful response to the building social backlash against the so-called "child abuse industry." Distinguished scholar and experienced practitioner Kathleen Coulborn Faller applies twenty-five years of clinical experience and state-of-the-art research to offer authoritative guidance to both novice and experience practitioners. This Second Edition has been extensively revised to include A completely rewritten section on data gathering and analysis Updated assessment techniques and instruments Detailed coverage of post assessment intervention strategies Revised chapters that reflect up-to-date research and practice Extensive analysis of the backlash against child abuse cases Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment, Second Edition presents a wealth of practical information and field-tested tools. Author Kathleen Coulborn Faller uses clear language and numerous case studies to address all aspects of child sexual abuse including: the scope of the problem, professional collaboration, data analysis and diagnosis, and sexual abuse in special contexts. An essential resource for child protection workers, mental health practitioners, lawyers, and law enforcement personnel, Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment, Second Edition is also an ideal supplementary text for graduate courses in child welfare practice, social work, and psychology.
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Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents
Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents
There are many issues that are important to evaluating children and adolescents, and it is increasingly clear that reliance on just one type of assessment is not enough. In this volume, Kathleen Nader has compiled an articulate and comprehensive guide to the complex process of assessment in youth and child trauma.
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Sociology of Sexualities
Sociology of Sexualities
Sociology of Sexualities is an insightful exploration of sexuality through a sociological lens, offering a comprehensive understanding of sexualities and gender identities. The Third Edition brings to light the current societal challenges faced by LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights, the influence of technology on sexuality, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual behaviors.
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The Kinship of Jesus
The Kinship of Jesus
Christology and discipleship have largely remained separate categories in Markan scholarship. This study provides a commentary on the Gospel of Mark that underlines kinship as the nexus between Christology (Jesus and his kinship with God) and discipleship (Jesus and his kinship with disciples). Jesus, designated as the Son of God (1:1), establishes a kinship group of disciples and followers by providing them hospitality, welcoming them into his household, and addressing them in kinship terms as his family. The kinship between Jesus and God and that between Jesus and the disciples are imitative and contestive means for Mark to negotiate the Roman imperial context. In the church today, Christians still refer to their church family and to each other as brothers and sisters because of their relationship to Jesus. In a world that finds people increasingly separated from one another, this study demonstrates Jesus's formation of his own family and its continued impact on Christian identity and community.
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Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness
Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness
This second edition presents an updated action-based curriculum for high school counselors that will meet the needs of 21st century students, helping to foster their growth and engage them in learning what they need to succeed beyond high school. This book takes a comprehensive, developmental approach, focusing on 9th-12th grade students rather than solely on those in 11th and 12th grade. It provides a model for developing and enhancing a successful college advising office as well as essential advice on methods of working with parents. Specific topics discussed include successful transition to 9th grade, using technology in the college and career advising process, assisting and advising students in college research and application, and helping seniors make successful transitions to college. There is also a special focus on students in urban and rural schools to enable them to have the same enriched experiences in their college and career advising program as those students in private and suburban schools. The curriculum is geared for use by school counselors, college advisors, and readers in graduate counseling student courses.
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Practical Psychology for Pastors, 2nd Edition
Practical Psychology for Pastors, 2nd Edition
This practical handbook takes a totally fresh approach to the work of pastoral counselors by drawing on recent research and developments in the health and behavioral sciences. Thoroughly revised and updated, this edition incorporates new or expanded coverage of topics such as: - a new chapter on Pastoral Self-Care which offers advice on maintaining psychological health, avoiding crisis, and preventing personal and occupational burnout - the integration of counseling with other pastoral roles and functions - pastoral counseling ethics - how to help people build personal motivation for change -grief counseling and crisis intervention - post-traumatic stress, physical and sexual abuse, and personality disorders
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