The Most Influential Women in History: Over 100 Memoirs & Biographies
DigiCat presents to you this meticulously edited collection of memoirs, biographies and stories about the most incredible women in history, their lives and their legacies: Eighty Years and More by Elizabeth Cady Stanton Helen Keller: The Story of My Life Harriet Tubman, the Moses of Her People Reminiscences by Julia Ward Howe My Own Story by Emmeline Pankhurst The Autobiography of Mother Jones Sweeper in the Sky: The Life of Maria Mitchell Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography The Life of Florence Nightingale The Grimké Sisters Roswitha the Nun Marie de France Mechthild of Magdeburg Countess of Artois Christine de Pisan Agnes Sorel Alcestis Antigone Iphigenia Paula Catherine Douglas Lady Jane Grey Flora Macdonald Madame Roland Grace Darling Sister Dora Florence Nightingale Lucretia Sappho Aspasia of Pericles Xantippe Aspasia of Cyrus Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi Portia Octavia Cleopatra Mariamne Julia Domna Zenobia Valeria Eudocia Hypatia The Wife of Maximus The Lady Rowena Olga The Lady Elfrida The Countess of Tripoli Jane, Countess of Mountfort Laura de Sade The Countess of Richmond Elizabeth Woodville Jane Shore Catharine of Arragon Augustina Saragoza Charlotte Brontë... Marie Antoinette Sarah Siddons Mrs Grant Elizabeth Inchbald Elizabeth Hamilton Countess de Vemieiro Joanna Baillie Josephine Anne Radcliffe Miss Edgeworth Charlotte Corday Madame de Stael Madame de la Rochejaquelein Madame Recamier Mary Brunton Felicia Hemans Augustina Saragoza Charlotte Bronte Queen Anne Esther Johnson Esther Vanhomrigh Mary Astell Madame des Ursins Lady Grizel Jerviswoode Madame de Pontchartrain Elizabeth Halkett Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Madame du Deffand Phœbe Bentley Marquise du Chatelet Lady Huntingdon Flora Macdonald Madame Roland Grace Darling Sister Dora Maria Theresa Meta Moller Elizabeth Blackwell Lætitia Barbauld Hannah More Anna Seward Catherine Cockburn Elizabeth Berkeleigh...