Organizational Behavior
For courses in Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Industrial Psychology. By adopting a diagnostic approach, this text encourages students and managers to describe situations completely, diagnose the organizational behavior, prescribe the best practices or most appropriate behavior for given organizational situations, and then act effectively in those situations. Each chapters introductory scenario describes a real-world situation. End-of-chapter activities and end-of-part cases give students the opportunity to practice their diagnostic and action skills. *NEW- This edition reflects the most current thinking in the field of Organizational Behavior. With new or expanded coverage of: additional competencies required by managers, organizations of the new millennium, key forces that shape industry, women, minorities, older, and physically-challenged workers, broadbanding and competency based pay systems, electronic group decision making, virtual teams, multinational teams, and managing in a dot-com, global workplace. *Managers Preview at the beginning of each chapter. Highlights key action areas, which link to the Managers Diagnostic Review at the end of the chapter. *Ma