Jack's Frost
When fire meets frost, the attraction sizzles, but who's getting burned? Texas born-and-and bred Andrew “Jack” Jackson is as out of place in New York City as a bull in a china shop. Not looking for love, he’s in this gritty gray city to meet a lawyer and sign a business deal—in and out, and back to his ranch—when a beautiful intern at the law firm knocks him on his butt. Manhattan has polished Katherine Wallace to an icy sparkle. Young, eager, and brilliant, her future is all but assured. She’s awaiting admission to graduate school, marking time as an intern at her daddy’s law firm. But when a sexy-as-sin cowboy struts through the door with a sizzling smile, her big city life suddenly feels cold. Jack and Katherine collide with fiery chemistry and unbridled lust. He’s dazzled by her shine, and her heart starts to melt. Opposites attract, but that doesn’t mean it’s painless. Can they reconcile their conflicting lifestyles and find common ground? Or will cold reality keep them apart?