Pulmonary Endocrine Pathology
Pulmonary Endocrine Pathology: Endocrine Cells and Endocrine Tumours of the Lung covers basic principles and concepts of pulmonary endocrinology and the anatomy, physiology and pathology of that part of the diffuse endocrine system which populates the pulmonary epithelium. The book provides a brief review of some basic principles of endocrinology and of the concept and nature of the diffuse endocrine system. The text describes the structure, physiology, and role in and reaction to natural disease; and experimental injury of the pulmonary component; and the morphology and content of endocrine cells in normal lungs. The development and distribution of the pulmonary endocrine system and how it alters from fetal to adult life are also reviewed. The book further tackles the physiology of the pulmonary endocrine system; the pulmonary endocrine system in diseased lungs and in experimental injury; and the endocrinology of bronchial neoplasms. The book then looks into the pathology of endocrine tumors of the lung, with particular emphasis on their morphology and differential diagnosis; serum markers of pulmonary endocrine neoplasms; and paraneoplastic manifestations of pulmonary endocrine neoplasms. Pathologists, physicians or surgeons who work in the fields of pulmonology, endocrinology or oncology will find the book useful.