The Pentecostal Commentary on the Johannine Epistles
A resource written from a distinctively Pentecostal perspective, primarily for pastors, lay persons, and Bible students, based upon the best scholarship, written in popular language and communicating the meaning of the text with minimal technical distractions.In keeping with the ethos and spirituality of the Pentecostal tradition, to which at least 400 million Christians belong, the writers explore how their scholarship might be contextualized within their own local church body and strengthened by the dynamic interaction between the Holy Spirit, the body of Christ, and the Word of God. The series is conceived of as part of the ministry of the body of Christ, for the glory of God.The structure of the commentaries reflects the dialogical way in which the tradition tends to approach the biblical text. Each volume begins with a series of questions designed to identify corporate and individual issues illuminated in the biblical book. An introduction proper then discloses the need, process, purpose, time, and place of composition, and a detailed discussion of the genre and structure of the book forms the basis of organization for the exposition that follows.This commentary on the Johannine Epistles, by a leading Pentecostal scholar and editor of the commentary series, provides a running exposition on the text, extended comments on texts of special significance for Pentecostals, and acknowledges and interacts with major options in interpreting individual passages. It also provides periodic opportunities for reflection upon and personal response to the biblical text.