Britain at the Polls 2010
The ninth book in the long-running Britain at the Polls series, the 2010 edition looks back at the political landscape since 2005 with special focus on the transition from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown, the impact of the financial crisis and the shifting dynamics of the main opposition parties. The 2010 election is analysed in this context and the final chapters look ahead to assess the fortunes of the new government. A strong line-up of contributors includes Tim Bale, Judith Bara, Ben Clements, Oliver Heath, Ron Johnston, Michael Moran, Philip Norton, Charles Pattie, Thomas Quinn, James A. Stimson andPaul Webb Praise for Britain at the Polls 2005: 'Britain at the Polls is political science at its best: thorough but not dry; serious yet accessible; trenchant but not mendacious.' - Peter Kellner 'A fresh insight into the 2005 general election, both what happened and, above all, the significance for the direction of British politics in the Blair and post-Blair eras.' - Peter Riddell '.a thoughtful, lively and stimulating account of the underlying reasons for the historic third successive Labour victory. With a first-class set of contributors this well-written and accessible volume will be essential reading for all concerned with British elections, voting behavior and party politics.' - Pippa Norris