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Other Bullards
Other Bullards
This is supplement #1 to work entitled: Bullard and allied families : the American ancestors of George Newton Bullard and Mary Elizabeth Bullard / by Edgar J. Bullard. Detroit, Mich. : E.J. Bullard, 1930. "Many records of Bullard families were received in the extensive correspondence pursued in the quest of John Bullard's descendants (Bullard and allied families by E.J. Bullard). These records seemed too valuable to discard and it was thought best to place them in a separate volume. No effort has bewen made to verify them or connect them, excepting those that naturally could be grouped in the families of William, Robert, and George Bullard (brothers of John Bullard), Thomas and Reuben Bullard of Virginia, and a few southern families that are not connected as far as ascertainable. The rest are left as unclassified and are arranged alphabetically." (p. 3).
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The Lipid Handbook, Second Edition
The Lipid Handbook, Second Edition
A great deal of research has been carried out on this important class of compounds in the last ten years. To ensure that scientists are kept up to date, the editors of the First Edition of The Lipid Handbook have completely reviewed and extensively revised their highly successful original work. The Lipid Handbook: Second Edition is an indispensable resource for anyone working with oils, fats, and related substances.
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Peace in the Post-Reformation
Peace in the Post-Reformation
Christians are supposed to love their neighbours, including their enemies. This is never easy. When feud and honour are common realities, it is even harder than usual. This book sketches the history of peace-making between people (not countries) as an activity of churches or of Christianity between the Reformation and the eighteenth century. The story is recounted in four countries (Italy, France, Germany, and England) and in several religious settings (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Church of England, and Calvinist). Each version is a variation upon a theme: what the author calls a 'moral tradition' which contrasts, as a continuing imperative, with the novelties of theory and practice introduced by the sixteenth-century reformers. In general the topic has much to say about the destinies of Christianity in each country, and more widely, and strikes a chord which will resonate in both the social and the religious history of the West.
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Nonlinear Mechanics of Crystals
Nonlinear Mechanics of Crystals
This book describes behavior of crystalline solids primarily via methods of modern continuum mechanics. Emphasis is given to geometrically nonlinear descriptions, i.e., finite deformations. Primary topics include anisotropic crystal elasticity, plasticity, and methods for representing effects of defects in the solid on the material's mechanical response. Defects include crystal dislocations, point defects, twins, voids or pores, and micro-cracks. Thermoelastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric behaviors are addressed. Traditional and higher-order gradient theories of mechanical behavior of crystalline solids are discussed. Differential-geometric representations of kinematics of finite deformations and lattice defect distributions are presented. Multi-scale modeling concepts are described in the context of elastic and plastic material behavior. Representative substances towards which modeling techniques may be applied are single- and poly- crystalline metals and alloys, ceramics, and minerals. This book is intended for use by scientists and engineers involved in advanced constitutive modeling of nonlinear mechanical behavior of solid crystalline materials. Knowledge of fundamentals of continuum mechanics and tensor calculus is a prerequisite for accessing much of the text. This book could be used as supplemental material for graduate courses on continuum mechanics, elasticity, plasticity, micromechanics, or dislocation mechanics, for students in various disciplines of engineering, materials science, applied mathematics, and condensed matter physics.
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Artists as Illustrators
Artists as Illustrators
Entries (some 14,000) include illustrators, sculptors, and fine art artists who have done book and magazine illustrations, booklet illustrations, or cover illustrations for books, magazines, records, and posters. Biographical reference keys are provided. About 4,000 of the listed artists are shown with a signature facsimile. Castagno also provides the following material: about 1,000 dual-nationality entries; when possible, full names, initials, nicknames, and pseudonyms; notation of questionable birth and death dates when they vary in different sources; and listings of many artists as illustrators. The serious art collector or dealer will want this book. The author plans to produce updates. Forthcoming in 1989 (Scarecrow) is American artists: signatures and monograms, 1800 to 1989. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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The Globalization of World Politics
The Globalization of World Politics
Now in its fifth edition, this title has been fully revised and updated in the light of recent developments in world politics, with new chapters on the changing nature of war, human security, and international ethics.
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Anscombe's Intention
Anscombe's Intention
Written against the background of her controversial opposition to the University of Oxford's awarding of an honorary degree to Harry S. Truman, Elizabeth Anscombe's Intention laid the groundwork she thought necessary for a proper ethical evaluation of actions like the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The devoutly Catholic Anscombe thought that these actions made Truman a murderer, and thus unworthy of the university's honor-but that this verdict depended on an understanding of intentional action that had been widely rejected in contemporary moral philosophy. Intention was her attempt to work out that understanding and argue for its superiority over a conception of intention as an inner mental state. Though recognized universally as one of the definitive works in analytic philosophy of action, Anscombe's book is often dismissed as unsystematic or obscure, and usually read through the lens of philosophical concerns very far from her own. Schwenkler's Guide offers a careful and critical presentation of Anscombe's main lines of argument at a level appropriate to advanced undergraduates but also capable of benefiting specialists in action theory, moral philosophy, and the history of analytic philosophy. Further, it situates Intention in a context that emphasizes Anscombe's debts to Aristotle, Aquinas, and Wittgenstein, and her engagement with the work of contemporaries like Gilbert Ryle and R.M. Hare, inviting new avenues of engagement with the ideas of historically important philosophers.
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German Opera
German Opera
German opera from its primitive origins up to Wagner is the subject of this wide-ranging history. It traces the growth of the humble Singspiel into a vehicle for the genius of Mozart and Beethoven, together with the persistent attempts at German Grand Opera. Seventeenth-century Hamburg opera, the role of the travelling companies and Viennese Singspiel are all explored. Discussions that from early days absorbed Germans concerned for the development of a national art are followed, together with the influence of new critical thought at the start of the nineteenth century. The many operas studied are placed in their historical, social and theatrical context, and attention is paid to the literary, artistic and philosophical ideas that made them part of the country's intellectual history. Warrack assesses the contributions of Schubert, Mendelssohn and Schumann, as well as Weber and Hoffmann, among others.
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