The Musician's Guide to Aural Skills: Sight-singing, rhythm-reading, improvisation, and keyboard skills
The Musician's Guide to Aural Skills integrates all critical aural skills in a single teaching and learning program coordinated (chapter by chapter) with a companion text in theory and analysis. The two volumes, organized by skill type, contain a wide range of exercises, and a diverse repertoire of real music--classical, popular song, film and TV themes, folk songs. There is absolutely no need for supplementary materials, and students are involved in creative music-making from the very beginning.Volume 2 develops listening and writing skills in a complete ear-training, dictation, and composition manual. Each of the 40 chapters, corresponding to chapters in The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis, Second Edition, is organized in two parts--"Inductive Listening" and "Contextual Listening." A final "Composition" section leads students through individual and group compositions in a variety of styles. The text is packaged with a companion DVD that contains recordings for all the listening examples.