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The Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing
The Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing
The new Sixth Edition of this award-winning classic prepares its users for delivering expert care in this most challenging nursing specialty. It addresses neuroanatomy, assessment, diagnostic evaluation, and management of the complete range of neurological disorders for which nurses provide patient care, including trauma, stroke, tumors, seizures, headache, aneurysms, infections, degenerative disorders, and peripheral neuropathies. This edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect standards of care based on evidence-based practice. It now includes case studies, community nursing sections throughout, and increased coverage of normal pressure hydrocephalus, inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and Creutzfeld-Jacob disease.
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Evaluation of Health Care Quality in Advanced Practice Nursing
Evaluation of Health Care Quality in Advanced Practice Nursing
Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title! "This is a wonderful resource that fills a true gap in the literature. This is a topic that needs more exposure and more emphasis in the field of advanced practice nursing. The value of evaluation in healthcare quality will be seen in the outcomes of healthcare improvements." Score: 100, 5 Stars--Doody's Medical Reviews High-level evaluation skills reflecting national standards and benchmarks are becoming increasingly important in our changing health care climate. This is the only nursing textbook to lay the foundation for APNs to achieve the highest possible competency in conducting systematic and in-depth evaluations of all aspects of health care. Comprehensive in scope, it distills current best practice information from numerous sources to create a thorough and reliable resource for APN and DNP graduates. The text addresses both the theoretical basis of evaluation and its application as an integral part of contemporary practice. It provides an overview of evaluation science and critically examines the characteristics, sources, and quality of the nature of evidence. Several frameworks are described to provide the reader with different evaluation models, including those of economic evaluation. The text covers in detail the evaluation of organizations, systems, and standards for practice, including information systems and patient care technology, the redesign of health care in accordance with patient-family centered models, and the challenges of the current trend toward electronic medical records. Also addressed is the evaluation of populations and health care teams, including characteristics, risk factors, and determinants, as well as the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaborative health teams. Additionally, the text covers translating outcomes from evaluation into health care policy, and opportunities for advocacy and leadership among APNs. Key Features: Provides comprehensive coverage of evaluation of patient, population, systems, health team, and health care information systems technology outcomes Presents best practices and evidence-based practices that stress use in practice Uses case studies to illustrate application of evaluation in each practice area Stresses the importance of clear terminology in evaluation and provides definitions of relevant terms
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Clinical Practice of Neurological & Neurosurgical Nursing
Clinical Practice of Neurological & Neurosurgical Nursing
The new Seventh Edition of the award-winning classic prepares its users to deliver expert care in this challenging nursing specialty. It addresses neuroanatomy, assessment, diagnostic evaluation and management of the complete range of neurological disorders for which nurses provide patient care, including trauma, stoke, tumors, seizures, headache, aneurysms, infections, degenerative disorders and features new chapters on neurological critical care and peripheral neuropathies. The new edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect standards of care based on evidence-based practice. It now includes separate pathophysiology sections in each chapter, new resource guides, such as internet sites and professional and patient information sources, key points summaries, evidence-based boxes, and nursing research features.
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The Continuum of Stroke Care
The Continuum of Stroke Care
The Continuum of Stroke Care: An Interprofessional Approach to Evidence-Based Care will address the clinical care of stroke patients across the continuum of care from primary prevention of stroke, the acute and subacute treatment of stroke syndromes through rehabilitation, and reintegration into the community. Each chapter will review current evidence-based practice guiding clinical stroke care. The book will address the American Stroke Association’s Stroke Chain of Survival addressing prehospital care of the stroke patient and the development of stroke systems of care to provide all people in the United States access to acute stroke care. Additionally, the book will cover the current role of state legislation in stroke care and the evolution of hospital stroke certification. The book will serve as a clinical resource providing detailed comprehensive medical and nursing care of all stroke subtypes while also addressing the system of stroke care in which medical, nursing and interprofessional care provided. As such, the book will serve as a clinical resource to medical and nursing caregivers providing direct patient care as well as stroke coordinators, program directors and other hospital administrators developing stroke programs. The book will also be a clinical resource for stroke interprofessional team members such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, Stroke care is most successful at improving patient outcomes when delivered by an interdisciplinary team. Each chapter will address the critical role of the interprofessional team and highlight comprehensive care of the stroke patient rather than focusing only on nursing care. Books published to date focus solely on the medical or nursing care of the stroke patient without attention to the stroke system of care and the role of the multidisciplinary team in improving stroke outcomes. Additionally, each chapter will highlight ongoing research trials and opportunities, with the recognition that the scientific foundation for acute stroke care is rapidly evolving.
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Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing
Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing
The new Sixth Edition of this award-winning classic prepares its users for delivering expert care in this most challenging nursing specialty. It addresses neuroanatomy, assessment, diagnostic evaluation, and management of the complete range of neurological disorders for which nurses provide patient care, including trauma, stroke, tumors, seizures, headache, aneurysms, infections, degenerative disorders, and peripheral neuropathies. This edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect standards of care based on evidence-based practice. It now includes case studies, community nursing sections throughout, and increased coverage of normal pressure hydrocephalus, inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and Creutzfeld-Jacob disease.
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Advanced Practice Nursing
Advanced Practice Nursing
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Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care
Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care
Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care provides a uniquely integrated, comprehensive resource about palliative care for seriously ill children and their families. The field of palliative care is based on the fundamental principle that an interdisciplinary team is optimal in caring for patients and their families throughout the illness trajectory. The text integrates themes including goals of care, discipline-specific roles, cultural and spiritual considerations, evidence-based outcomes, and far more. It emphasizes the value of words and high-quality communication in palliative care. Importantly, content acknowledges challenging periods between team members, and how those can ultimately benefit team, patient, and family care outcomes. Each chapter includes the perspective of the family of a seriously ill child in the form of a vignette to promote care team understanding of this crucial perspective. This second edition is founded on a wealth of evidence that reflects the innovations in pediatric palliative care science over the past 10 years, including initiatives in clinical care, research, and education. Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care is appropriate for all pediatric palliative clinicians (PPC), including physicians, nurses, psychosocial clinicians, chaplains, and many others. All subspecialists who deliver care to seriously ill children, will find this book a must-have for their work. Advance Praise for Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care, Second Edition "This new edition is as much a testament to pediatric palliative care's remarkable evolution as a field as it is a quintessential playbook for providing the high-quality holistic and compassionate care that families with seriously ill children desperately want. Every page thoughtfully weaves together how interprofessional teams can contribute collaboratively to learning about and supporting the preferences, needs and priorities of the precious patients and families in their circle of care. It is a must read for all practitioners to enhance their palliative care understanding, appreciation and ability as a foundation for optimizing quality of life in practice." - Rebecca Kirch, JD, Executive Vice President of Policy and Programs, National Patient Advocate Foundation "This book offers a truly contemporary and comprehensive view of the entire field of pediatric palliative care. The focus on social determinants of health, cultural humility, and disparities in care could not be timelier, and the section highlighting conflict and conflict resolution should be required reading. The continued and purposeful inclusion of interdisciplinary clinicians in producing each chapter models the palliative care team itself-an approach in which all voices are necessary as we seek to provide the most compassionate care possible." - Rachel Thienprayoon, MD, MSCS, FAAP, FAAHPM, Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Medical Director, StarShine Hospice and Palliative Care, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
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The Law of Ship Mortgages
The Law of Ship Mortgages
This fully updated and comprehensive 3rd edition of The Law of Ship Mortgages provides readers with a practical, commercially based and definitive guide to the English law of ship mortgages. The authors, being seasoned practitioners, bring their extensive experience to bear on a number of difficult and developing areas of the law, such as: mortgagees’ duties, liability to charterers, the conflict of laws, work-outs, restructurings and cross-border insolvency. The 3rd edition includes new chapters on pre-delivery security, security over shares and on the increasingly important topic of ship leasing as a method of finance. It is written against the background of, and has regard to, ever-increasing sanctions affecting shipping and ship finance as well as the continued regulatory and industry-driven push towards reduction of emissions (IMO 2020 and IMO 2050). Written primarily with practitioners in mind, The Law of Ship Mortgages will continue to be extremely useful to legal professionals, especially in common law jurisdictions, involved in international ship finance or ship mortgage enforcement. It will also be a valuable resource for postgraduate students and academics, especially those with an interest in shipping law or the law of personal property more generally.
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