Social Policy for Children and Families
Winnner of the SRA Social Policy Award for Best Edited Volume 2006-2008′Jenson, Fraser and their impressive contributors have provided us with something all too rare in the child &BAD:amp; family services literature: a truly integrative volume. They argue cogently for a cross-systems perspective, an orientation to developmental ′risk′ &BAD:amp; ′protective′ factors and a strategic process for identifying most favorable targets for intervention .The summaries of different service domains and the editor′s emphasis on crafting the proper policy context for the integration of ′evidence-based′ practices make this volume a ′must read′ for seasoned policy makers, as well as beginning practitioners. This book will be an important resource for all involved in the kind of creative, science-based innovation so desperately needed in the child &BAD:amp; family services field.′á- James K. Whittaker, University of WashingtonôWhat a book! A must read for those who provide services to at-risk children and their families. Jensen and Fraser call attention to the professionÆs blatant unwillingness to systematically draw upon existing research, and translate it to policy to advance the design of programs that remediate and prevent mental and physical health problems among the nation′s youth. The application of the public health framework to programs and policies adds value to the usual suspects of perspectives/frameworks drawn upon by the social work profession. This book is very consistent with the ideas expressed in related professional and social science literatures, as well as that of federal and private funding sources. The authors boldly call for the triangulation of relevant theories and models of risk and resilience, and make a major contribution to social work research by advocating for the translation of empirical evidence into practical application.öá - Paula Allen-Meares, University of Michigan School of Social Workáááááá We now know, more than ever, about why some children and adolescents develop social and health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, drug use, and delinquency. However, this knowledge is not yet systematically applied to policy or program design, resulting in poorly integrated and often duplicative services for children and families. Social Policy for Children and Families: A Risk and Resilience Perspective uses a unique framework to help students understand effective public policy development. Authors Jeffrey M. Jenson and Mark W. Fraser argue that a public health framework rooted in ecological theory and based on principles of risk, protection, and resilience is essential for the successful design of social policy. This book applies the authorsÆ conceptual model across the substantive areas of social policy, including child welfare, education, mental health, health, developmental disabilities, substance use, and juvenile justice.áá Key Features: Applies a risk and resilience model to help readers understand and develop effective public policies for children, youth, and families Offers recommendations for ways to advance a public health framework in policy design, implementation, and evaluationIncludes case studies, discussion questions, and web-based resources to prompt critical thinking and future research á Social Policy for Children and Families is designed for undergraduate and graduate students studying social welfare policy in the field of Social Work. It can also be used in a variety of Political Science, Public Policy, and Sociology courses. á