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No vuelvas si no vences
No vuelvas si no vences
El periodo histórico abierto tras el golpe de Estado de 1936 -con el consiguiente despliegue de violencia política y las cuatro décadas posteriores de dictadura-, ha sido objeto de análisis académicos centrados preferentemente en desentrañar los orígenes del terror y los medios para su desarrollo y readaptación temporal. Igualmente, y en lo que hace a los tres años de guerra civil, el eje de las investigaciones se ha centrado en las víctimas de la persecución ideológica. En esta obra no se renuncia al conocimiento de lo primero ni tampoco se olvida a los sujetos pacientes de la violencia política, pero se pone el acento en el papel de los perpetradores, en los discursos del odio y en su legitimación social. El autor elige para ello un enfoque micro como el que ofrece Laguardia, una localidad alejada del frente y de holgada mayoría contrarrevolucionaria. Lo hace desde una perspectiva amplia y de largo recorrido, insertando en el relato la influencia de otros episodios en los que la violencia hizo acto de presencia, desde la invasión napoleónica hasta el terrorismo pasando por las guerras carlistas.
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Private Enforcement of Competition Law
Private Enforcement of Competition Law
The private enforcement of competition law through damages actions and/or injunctions before ordinary courts of justice is currently the preferred system in the United States. It is playing an increasingly important role in Europe by supplementing a still predominantly public system based on disciplinary rules enforced by public authorities that do not entail compensation for victims. Compensation can only be achieved through private enforcement, which is already viewed as an alternative to the public system. This work, whose origins lie in the International Conference on the private enforcement of Competition Law held at the University of Valladolid's School of Law offers a comprehensive, pluralist overview of the subject by providing transversal approaches, joint assessment and information on various national experiences alongside more specific contributions that study specific matters of substantive and procedural law, by covering practically all the relevant issues in this field. The work also addresses the main problems of the system vis-à-vis private international law and its connection and interaction with public enforcement. Also available in Spanish language, with the title: La aplicación privada del Derecho de la competencia.
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Translation and Gender: Discourse Strategies to Shape Gender
Translation and Gender: Discourse Strategies to Shape Gender
This volume includes a collection of chapters dealing with a number of aspects pertaining to the intersection between translation studies and gender studies. Although these disciplines have received the attention of numerous scholars since the 1970s, the current multidisciplinary approach in the humanities and social sciences involves the use of new methodological and analytical tools, which undoubtedly enrich and provide new insights in these fields. The articles in the present monograph represent the current state of translation studies from a gender perspective. From diverse methodological and ideological approaches, they deal with important aspects related to the construction and the representation of gender identity in processes of intersemiotic adaptation, of interlinguistic transfer and intercultural re-creation. Este volumen incluye una selección de capítulos que versan sobre diferentes aspectos de la intersección entre los estudios de traducción y los estudios de género. Aunque estas disciplinas han recibido la atención de numerosos investigadores desde la década de los 70, la actual aproximación multidisciplinar en las humanidades y ciencias sociales implica el uso de nuevos enfoques metodológicos y analíticos, que sin duda enriquecen y aportan nuevas lecturas en estos ámbitos. Los artículos de la presente monografía representan el estado actual de los trabajos en traducción desde una perspectiva de género. Desde diversas aproximaciones metodológicas e ideológicas, abordan importantes aspectos relativos a la construcción y la representación de la identidad de género en procesos de adaptación intersemiótica, de transferencia interlingüística, así como de re-creación intercultural.
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Apaches of the Dessert
Apaches of the Dessert
In this book Javier Ortega Urquidi, a native of Camargo, Chihuahua, portrays the history of a racial group which played an important part in the formation of the strong character of the men of northem Mexico. Employing impressive investigation and masterful sensitivity, the author, without following a rigorous order, transports us to the heart of Apache life in the Chihuahua desert. The lives of Mangas Coloradas, Cochise, Vitorio, Ju and Geronimo will be an authentic discovery for the most exacting reader. The thematic variety, the stylistic elegance and the poetic language employed in this essay of ideas, meditations and reflections about Apache life, accompanied by an important accumulation of historic notes, take us on a journey in time. Without departing from fact, the author moves between the poetic and the didactic. Both questions and anecdotes are considered in this book, through the wide-ranging freedom of theauthor´s style as he reviews the similarities and the differences that are found in various sources.
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Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual
Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual
Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual is the ideal introduction to Spanish linguistics for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of Spanish. No prior knowledge of linguistics is assumed as the book takes you step-by-step through all the main subfields of linguistics, both theoretical and applied. Phonology. morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, second language acquisition, history of the Spanish language, dialectology and sociolinguistics are concisely and accurately outlined providing a comprehensive foundation in the field. A comprehensive companion website provides a wealth of additional resources including further exercises to reinforce the material covered in the book, extra examples to clarify the most difficult concepts, extensive audio clips which reproduce the sounds of phonemes and allophones and sonograms. Written in a clear and accessible manner with extensive auxiliary materials, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual has been specially designed for students of Spanish with little or no linguistic background who need to understand the key concepts and constructs of Spanish linguistics.
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Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica
Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica
The Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Spanish linguistics. Entries are extensively cross-referenced and arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 brings together the grammar of Spanish, including subsections on phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Part 3 brings together the historical, social and geographical factors in the evolution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Spanish, and for anyone with an academic or professional interest in the Spanish language/Spanish linguistics.
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Human Organs-on-a-Chip
Human Organs-on-a-Chip
Human Organs-on-Chip: Novel Organ-on-a-Chip Techniques in Medicine paves the way for novel approaches that push forward in-vitro and in-vivo studies and fills a gap between laboratory and clinical use. These experienced authors share the knowledge they've developed with over a decade of experience and research with organ-on-chips and multi-organ-on-chips. This book collects all of the developments in the field and sheds new light on possibilities to develop human on-chip measurement methods with the utilization of currently available measurement techniques including both invasive and non-invasive tests. Human Organs-on-Chip: Novel Organ-on-a-Chip Techniques in Medicine serves as a starting point for young researchers who are beginning their scientific journeys. - Provides an overview of the progress suborgan-on-chips development has made in recent years - Introduces the fundamentals needed to understand lab-on-chip ideas with references and in-depth explanations - Presents commercial achievements obtained and future perspectives
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Policymaking in Latin America
Policymaking in Latin America
What determines the capacity of countries to design, approve and implement effective public policies? To address this question, this book builds on the results of case studies of political institutions, policymaking processes, and policy outcomes in eight Latin American countries. The result is a volume that benefits from both micro detail on the intricacies of policymaking in individual countries and a broad cross-country interdisciplinary analysis of policymaking processes in the region.
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