The Will James Cowboy Book
Some of Will James's best short stories -- including such favorites as "Tom and Jerry" from All in the Day's Riding and "A Range Colt" from Smoky, the Cowhorse -- are collected in this rare volume for children ages 10 and up. In 1938, Charles Scribner's Sons published a limited number of The Will James Cowboy Book as a supplemental reader for school children in Texas. Mountain Press Publishing Company is pleased to make this rare book available for the first time to the general public as part of the Tumbleweed Series of Will James reprints. Some of Will James's best short stories, including such favorites as "Tom and Jerry" from All in the Day's Riding and "A Range Colt" from Smoky, the Cowhorse, are collected in this volume, along with instructions on how to read brands. This collector's item includes some previously unpublished pen-and-ink artwork. Look closely ... it resembles the pencil drawings that appeared in James's earlier books but it's not the same. If you wish to introduce a child to your favorite Will James stories, or if you are a student of art history, this book will delight you. Book jacket.