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The Practical Art of Spiritual Conversation
The Practical Art of Spiritual Conversation
The Practical Art of Spiritual Conversation is about the art of when, if, and how to engage in a spiritual conversation. The whens and the ifs inform the how. Christians can be so concerned with how to share the gospel that they often fail to consider where the person is spiritually and when, or even if, they should share the gospel. To be sure, the Scriptures are clear that followers of Christ must spread the good news. Yet there are times when sharing the gospel would be undeniably inappropriate. How, then, do gospel-centered, evangelistic Christians discern when to share Christ or when to stay silent? What determines when and if someone is even ready to hear the gospel? How does one meaningfully engage a person who has already accepted the gospel? Refined through tens of thousands of spiritual encounters, this book provides a helpful framework for discerning where a person is spiritually and how to encourage each person to take a step toward Christ regardless of where they may presently be in their faith journey. You will be equipped in the practical art of spiritual conversation so that you can meaningfully encourage every person to take a step toward Christ.
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana
"With tables of the cases and principal matters" (varies).
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Companion to Peripheral Neuropathy E-Book
Companion to Peripheral Neuropathy E-Book
The new Companion to Peripheral Neuropathy: Illustrated Case Studies by Dr. Peter J. Dyck, et al, which supplements Dyck and Thomas’ authoritative and comprehensive Peripheral Neuropathy, features illustrated case studies that explore the evaluation and management of the most common peripheral nerve disorders. Leading authorities in the field contribute clues to the diagnosis, clinical features, imaging studies, histopathology and more for each case. You’ll gain new insights into the causes of peripheral nerve disorders to help you diagnose and treat every condition. Offers new insights in clinical and electrophysiologic characterization, imaging, histopathology, and molecular genetics Shows you how abstract diagnosis and management principles apply in real situations Presents more illustrations than any competing reference so you can see disorders as they present in practice Offers expert clues to help you diagnose and manage patients quickly and effectively Provides references to the most significant literature in the field so you can stay at the forefront of this science
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Victorious Insurgencies
Victorious Insurgencies
The author of Resisting Rebellion examines four of the twentieth century’s most consequential rebellions—in China, Cuba, Afghanistan, and French Indochina. While insurgencies continue to erupt across the globe, most of them fail to meet their intended aims. But in Four Rebellions that Shaped Our World, Anthony James Joes analyzes four successful rebellions which permanently altered the global political arena: the Maoists in China against Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese in the 1930s and 1940s; the Viet Minh in French Indochina from 1945 to 1954; Castro's followers against Batista in Cuba from 1956 to 1959; and the mujahideen in Soviet Afghanistan from 1980 to 1989. Joes illuminates patterns of failed counterinsurgencies, highlighting their avoidable political and military blunders as well as the critical influence of the international setting. Offering provocative insights that are applicable to twenty-first century geopolitics, this comprehensive study will be of great interest to policy-makers and concerned citizens alike.
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Kansas Reports
Kansas Reports
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