Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology
Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology is a highly regarded textbook that addresses project management across all industries. First covering the essential background, from origins and philosophy to methodology, the bulk of the book is dedicated to concepts and techniques for practical application. The systems development cycle is used as a framework to discuss project management in a variety of situations, making this the go-to book for managing virtually any kind of project, program, or task force. It focuses on the ultimate purpose of project management--to unify and integrate the interests, resources and work efforts of many stakeholders, as well as the planning, scheduling, and budgeting needed to accomplish overall project goals. The seventh edition features: - Updates to cover the latest developments in project management methodologies: including new material on applications of visual management, agile and hybrid methodologies, PM 2.0, and artificial intelligence to project management, the "dark side" of projects, third-world projects and megaprojects. -Sixty-two end-of-chapter case studies that apply concepts and practices from the book to real life project situations. - Updated support materials, including an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoints, Answers to Chapter Review Questions and a Test Bank of Questions. Taking a technical yet accessible approach, this book is an ideal resource and reference for all advanced undergraduate and graduate students in project management courses, as well as for practicing project managers across all industry sectors.