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Ridgecrest Rescue
Ridgecrest Rescue
Hogan's mystery forces Rod Mannering, a decent guy, to outwit a murderer and a scam artist. Finding his friend's body at a horse show pits Rod against a killer. A developer's lawsuit threatens financial ruin. With physical and monetary problems, Rod won't romance the attractive Texas rider, Taylor Blair, but together, despite vicious threats, they unearth the real estate scam. The Highway Patrol finds Rod's daughter's car abandoned like vehicles of women killed recently, and he forgets all else. With Taylor, he heads into a storm to find Belinda. A trip wire catapults him over the cliff. Battered, hanging onto a narrow ledge, he insists Taylor climb the ridge crest to rescue Belinda. Fears and hopes attack his mind throughout his painful wait. Readers identify with a man struggling through a physical and emotional comeback and a woman regaining control of her life in a backdrop of Arabian horse shows.
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Horsetales in the Wind
Horsetales in the Wind
Hogan's collection brings horse lovers stories to feast on: some tense, some whimsical, some fantastic, and even one horrific.She understands both the girl who wants a horse so bad her teeth ache and the retired trainer whose mind remembers skills his body can no longer perform. She recognizes the frustration of men confronted with smart, confident women dedicated to their horse activities. Written for Helen's granddaughter and her pony, the bonus features bring the young and young at heaert a whimcical pony's viewpoint.
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Driven to Win
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Warning Shot
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Our Mister Hogan
Our Mister Hogan
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Food Preservation and Safety of Natural Products
Food Preservation and Safety of Natural Products
Food Preservation and Safety of Natural Products addresses the most common causes of food spoilage that create significant loss to global food production while also discussing how food serves as a vehicle for the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms responsible for mild to debilitating health conditions in humans. The book provides essential information for food safety professionals on issues relating to foodborne diseases and offers potential solutions by presenting various methods of incorporating natural products in food production to prevent the spread of foodborne pathogenic organisms. The demand for green consumerism and consumers general distaste for synthetic food additives poses a serious challenge to food safety and preservation. Natural products are used as green and sustainable source of bioactive compounds that can be applied in various fields including food. The use of plant and other natural products in food preservation is on the rise, hence this book reviews microbial mediated food spoilage, foodborne pathogens and food contamination and offers applications of natural products in food preservation. - Provides important information on microbial metabolic by-products (natural enzymatic processes) to prevent food spoilage or deterioration - Includes molecular techniques for antimicrobial and antioxidant applications in food, food packaging and edible films - Presents the latest evidence-based science on the natural products used as additives in food
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Singing the Rite to Belong
Singing the Rite to Belong
This book explores the way in which singing can foster experiences of belonging through ritual performance. Based on more than two decades of ethnographic, pedagogical and musical research, it is set against the backdrop of "the new Ireland" of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Charting Ireland's growing multiculturalism, changing patterns of migration, the diminished influence of Catholicism, and synergies between indigenous and global forms of cultural expression, it explores rights and rites of belonging in contemporary Ireland. Helen Phelan examines a range of religious, educational, civic and community-based rituals including religious rituals of new migrant communities in "borrowed" rituals spaces; baptismal rituals in the context of the Irish citizenship referendum; rituals that mythologize the core values of an educational institution; a ritual laboratory for students of singing; and community-based festivals and performances. Her investigation peels back the physiological, emotional and cultural layers of singing to illuminate how it functions as a potential agent of belonging. Each chapter engages theoretically with one of five core characteristic of singing (resonance, somatics, performance, temporality, and tacitness) in the context of particular performed rituals. Phelan offers a persuasive proposal for ritually-framed singing as a valuable and potent tool in the creation of inclusive, creative and integrated communities of belonging.
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I'm Wild Again
I'm Wild Again
She's back and causing jaws to drop as always! As bold and amusing as ever, Helen Gurley Brown, who made her mark in publishing history when she became editor in chief of Cosmopolitan in 1965, has written her first memoir, I'm Wild Again: Snippets from My Life and a Few Brazen Thoughts. While the subjects of her seven previous books have all been drawn from her own experiences, this is the first time Brown has concentrated on herself as the sole subject of a book and revealed the secrets of her sometimes shocking and always interesting life. In I'm Wild Again, Brown discusses several aspects of her life that she has not opened up about before. She talks about her breast implants and cosmetic surgery, her bout with breast cancer, her fidelity to her husband. Furthermore, she offers her thoughts on parents, adultery, office politics, exercise, food, marriage, affection...the list goes on. Never one to be shy or mince words, Brown doesn't leave any words unwritten, and the contents of her book "shocked, flabbergasted, amazed, irritated, amused" gossip columnist Liz Smith, who has seen almost everything. Larry King, Frank McCourt, Joan Rivers, Diane Sawyer, and Dominick Dunne have also praised the book and toasted Brown for leading such a courageous and vibrant life.
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Scarlett's Women
Scarlett's Women
In this entertaining and informative book, Helen Taylor is the first to seek reasons for Gone With the Wind's success among viewers and readers. The author asked fans to relate their experiences with the work, to explain their fascination with the story, and describe its impact. She not only explains the enduring appeal of the work, but also identifies different kinds of response at particular historical moments (especially World War II) and through the past five decades by women of different classes, races, and generations. The result is a book that is sophisticated, accessible, and revealing. Scarlett's Women is a book for every fan, and for all students of film and popular culture.
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