Ebook: Psychology and Educational Inclusion: Identifying and Supporting Learners with SEN
This book offers a holistic evidence-based approach to special educational needs and inclusive practice. Psychology has an important role within the inclusive process, but it can be misused and so must be understood and adopted critically and reflectively to prevent exclusion. The book draws on psychological and educational theories, research, and practice in order to increase students' and practitioners' understanding of issues related to identifying, assessing, and supporting learners with neurodivergences, difficulties, or Special Educational Needs (SEN) within educational settings. It includes chapters that explore different SEN and the methods and approaches used to identify and support students. These approaches exist along what we propose is the ‘special and inclusive education continuum’. Drawing on theory and research from psychology, readers will evaluate and apply a range of different approaches, while reflecting on and developing their own practice. This book provides in-depth consideration of some of the most common SEN and issues of co-occurrence. It also explores prevalent but often neglect SEN, including socio-economic disadvantages, additional language learning, migrants and refugees, and why gifted students have SEN.