Wernher Von Braun: Crusader for Space
An Illustrated Memoir is a unique collection of photographs spanning von Braun's life from his childhood through Peenemunde, White Sands, Redstone & NASA Marshall Space Flight Center to his final years in Washington, D.C. When von Braun left NASA, John Noble Wilford wrote in The New York Times, "Von Braun's Departure Marks the End of an Era? (May 27, 1972). A Biographical Memoir describes the fascinating antecedents to the Apollo drama. It is based on close personal & professional relationships between von Braun & the authors" (34 years for Stuhlinger, 25 years for Ordway). Extracts from interviews, verbal & written comments, & recollections throughout the volume give dimension & stature to this man who, more than any other, symbolizes the Space Age.