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Tales of advertising told by advertisers
Tales of advertising told by advertisers
-Uf! another advertising manual... -Yes, another manual. But this one is different. To begin with, with Plato's permission, it is a book written in the form of a question/answer, almost a conversation. With this we are going to try to make it a little more enjoyable and even put a spark of humor in it. But beyond the form, is a manual written by eight advertising professionals, professionals who have been working for years in their respective positions ... An advertiser's communications director, an advertising agency director, a creative director, a media director, an account director, a strategic planning director, an expert in advertising law and a creative innovation director tell us what their vision is of the work they do, the functioning of the agency and advertising in general. The advertising told by advertisers is, in addition to a tautology, an unorthodox manual academically speaking but very instructive of how they think, how they work and how they live advertising professionals.
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Guadalupe: pulso y corazón de un pueblo
Guadalupe: pulso y corazón de un pueblo
El Acontecimiento Guadalupano está íntimamente unido al proceso histórico de la formación de la conciencia católica en el continente americano. Casi 500 años después de aquel 1531, fecha del «encuentro de la Virgen de Guadalupe y Juan Diego», el Acontecimiento Guadalupano continúa siendo un hecho eficaz hoy, en cada uno de sus elementos y de sus personajes, incluso con la fuerza y debilidades de los antiguos personajes. Los documentos antiguos, empezando por el Nican Mopoha, han llamado al indio Juan Diego «el mensajero de Santa María»; él, a pesar de haber estado en la penumbra de los documentos históricos, continúa cumpliendo con su misión. Por ello el papa Juan Pablo II lo canonizó el 31 de julio de 2002, proponiéndolo como «evangelista y profeta» de aquel Acontecimiento, el Guadalupano, que está en el origen del proceso histórico evangelizador del Nuevo Mundo.
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La historia me absolverá
La historia me absolverá
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Food Biochemistry and Food Processing
Food Biochemistry and Food Processing
Simpson (food science and agricultural chemistry, McGill U., Canada) brings together academics and industry professionals working in food biochemistry, processing, and safety around the world for this 45-chapter textbook aimed at food scientists, researchers and technologists in the food industry, and faculty and students in food science, technology, and engineering. It combines the areas of food biochemistry and food processing to help them rationalize and develop more effective strategies to produce and preserve food. It covers the essential principles of food biochemistry, enzymology, and food processing, then the biochemistry of meat, poultry, seafoods, milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and fermented foods, and food microbiology and safety. Along with updates to several chapters, this edition has been revised to incorporate safety considerations and the chemical changes induced by processing in the biomolecules of food in each chapter. It includes a new section on health and functional foods and 10 new chapters on topics like thermally and minimally processed foods, separation technology, and allergens.
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Redaccion Avanzada
Redaccion Avanzada
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Alfonso Reyes, perspectivas críticas
Alfonso Reyes, perspectivas críticas
Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.
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Historia de los hospitales coloniales de Hispanoamérica: México
Historia de los hospitales coloniales de Hispanoamérica: México
V. 1. Generalidades: Santo DOmingo y Panamá -- v. 2-3. México -- v. 4-5. Cuba - v. 6. Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua -- v. 7. Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador -- v. 9. Venezuela -- v. 10. Ecuador y Bolivia.
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