Psychobiology of Gene Expression
The new understanding of the relationships between gene expression and human experience emerging from the Human Genome Project is setting the stage for a profound expansion of our understanding of life. The new neuroscience discoveries about enriching life experiences, neurogenesis, and gene expression are poised to profoundly expand our understanding of psychotherapy and the holistic healing arts. We are just beginning to learn how the brain, the body, and our genes interact in ordinary everyday life to create our lives. Here, acclaimed author and pioneer of new approaches to mindbody communication Ernest Rossi introduces the new science of psychosocial genomics and explores how it will profoundly change our understanding of the pathways of communication among mind, body, and spirit. Integrating modern molecular medicine with traditional holistic healing art and spiritual rites, Rossi documents dramatically new approaches to optimize creativity in psychotherapy and therapeutic hypnosis with both individuals and groups. Part I reviews significant leading-edge neuroscience research on the psychobiology of gene expression and neurogenesis that leads to a new vision of the role of consciousness and creativity in the humanities and the healing arts. Part II explores how to creatively facilitate the psychodynamics of gene expression, neurogenesis, and healing in therapeutic hypnosis, psychotherapy, and human relationships in general. The Psychobiology of Gene Expression illustrates, step-by-step, how to facilitate the natural four-stage creative process on all levels from mind to molecule in our daily work of building a better brain. The book demonstrates how we can use our consciousness and our perception of free will to co-create ourselves in cooperation with nature. Rossi proposes practical approaches to optimize the natural cycles of gene expression in normal consciousness, sleep, dreaming, meditation, and the arts of daily living that are experienced by everyone. A case study spanning two chapters, containing dialog and explanatory commentary, brings the author's work to life and gives readers a deeper appreciation of its clinical application. Rossi's lucid writing style and vivid illustrations inspire this text with a new vision of the creative arts, humanities, and culture in facilitating the optimal development of health, performance, and consciousness.